"It Breaks My Heart..."

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I've gone through too many heart breaks,Too many goodbyes,To trust anyone anymore

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I've gone through too many heart breaks,
Too many goodbyes,
To trust anyone anymore.
Everyone convinces me that they'll never leave me,
And then just like that,
They're gone,
And I'm alone again.
I have no one anymore.
I'm alone.
Always alone.
I walk through these empty halls with no one by my side.
No one to hold my hand.
No one to tell me it's gonna be alright.
I have nothing.
I'm worthless.
The empty promises you make,
Only hurt the people you once "loved".
You think that you can just say something to someone and have it not mean anything?
Well, maybe in your world.
But in the real world,
The things you say hurt.
They hurt a lot of people.
But you don't see that.
Because you're living in your own little fantasy.
Come back and join us some time.

The Reoccurring Thoughts of a Depressed TeenagerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant