"I'm Nothing Special"

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Saturday, July 22, 2017; 1:21am

When i first started taking to you, everything  was magical

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

When i first started taking to you, everything  was magical.
Even before you told me you were great with a pen, I knew you were a brilliant and experienced writer, just by the way your words flew so elegantly across the screen.
I've always been fascinated and entranced with writers, because I am one myself.
I've always found that if you can swoon me with only your words, you're brilliant.
That's exactly what you were.
Smart. Intelligent. Brilliant. Astounding.
You had me in your grasp with just a stroke of a pen (in this case I suppose  it would be a tap of the keyboard??)

"You and your words flooded my senses.
Your sentences left me defenseless.
You built me palaces out of paragraphs.
You built cathedrals..."

From the moment we started talking, you had me in your grasp.
Your words and your many intelligent topics had me on my knees.
I was weak and defenseless against the paradise you built me out of your words.
But, of course, you were never actually trying to get me.
It turns out, you talk to all the girls that way.
Here I was, standing on cloud 9, feeling oh so very special.
Your words left me breathless.
Only to find out you talk to all the girls like that.
That's when I realized.
I was nothing important to you.
I was just living in my head.
In a fantasy land.
In my own imagination.
I was just hoping you wouldn't turn and run.
But you did that too.
Now I'm wondering
Did you ever really care at all?

The Reoccurring Thoughts of a Depressed TeenagerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum