"Don't Waste Your Time"

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017; 9:49pm

When I was still in love with him, everything was difficult

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When I was still in love with him, everything was difficult.
I barely slept.
I barely ate.
All while he was sleeping on me the whole time.
I was waiting around for him.
Waiting for him to want me.
Hoping that one day he'd come around.
He never did.
He never wanted me.
And that tore me apart.
Ate me up inside.
It took me the longest time to get over him.
But once I did, boy was I the happiest you'd seen me in a while.
I didn't think about him once.
He totally evaded my thoughts completely.
If you're going through something like this, my advice to you is
Move the hell on.
Get on with your life.
Don't lose sleep waiting for him.
Because chances are, he's not coming.
Don't feel sad because some low life boy won't give you the time of day.
Because he aint shit baby girl.
Find someone who you know will love you and give you what you deserve.
Don't settle for any less.
You are important.
I love you ♡

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