"I'm Always Either Used..."

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Monday, May 7, 2018; 12:02am

Monday, May 7, 2018; 12:02am

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I'm tired of being replaced.
I'm tired of being forgotten.
I'm tired of never being good enough.
I'm tired of being taken for granted.
I'm tired of not being the one for anyone.
It's so fucking emotionally exhausting.
I just want someone to fucking stay.
To choose me.
To tell me that they want me around always, and not just when it's convenient for them.
I do everything for everyone.
I'm there for the people that mean the most to me.
I'm their emotional support.
I'm their shoulder to cry on.
I'm the person they run to when their life is going to shit.
But what about Me?
Where's my emotional support?
Where's my shoulder to cry on?
I give,
And I give,
And I give,
And yet I still end up empty handed.
Maybe I'm being selfish.
Maybe it shouldn't ever be about me.
But fuck.
I've worn my heart on my sleeve for so long.
Begging you to take it.
To give me a chance.
But you never do.
And now, you've found another.
And you love her.
You love her.
You love her.
Those words ring through my ears, at an almost deafening rate, and my heart shatters.
You talk about her like she's the moon and the stars.
When to me, you're the entire galaxy.
Your voice is soft as silk,
But when you speak her name, it turns to nails on a chalkboard.
That painful, screeching sound.
Although I ignore this feeling, it still haunts me at times, making it difficult to sleep.
I wish you could understand how I feel.
I wish I could tell you how much this bothers me,
But you'd never stop loving her, even if I did.
So what's the point?

The Reoccurring Thoughts of a Depressed TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now