"I Miss Talking to the Old You"

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You yelled at me today

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You yelled at me today.
You told me I was ugly.
You told me I whine too much.
You told me I was too sensitive.
You laughed at me when I told you how I felt.
About how the things you say hurt me.
But I remember a time when you were so kind to me.
Telling me how beautiful I was.
Telling me I was perfect the way I was.
You told me my personality was fantastic,
And that my body was twice that.
So why now did you change your mind so drastically?
Why am I not enough for you anymore?
You won't even come close to me anymore.
You keep your distance,
And don't even look at me the same.
Your kisses seem the same,
But they're less often.
Less romantic and passionate,
And more lustful.
Like I'm nothing but an object to you.
You don't even kiss me long enough anymore.
I just don't understand why you changed so quickly.
Is it because I'm not the passionate slut you yearn for?
Is it because I'm afraid to touch any man the way I used to because of past loves that have failed so miserably?
Just tell me why "beautiful" went to "ugly" in less than a week.
Because these words keep running through my mind.
And they're crushing me.

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