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Chapter 20
Amelia Cunningham

"What now?" I asked, once I got off of the phone with the detective.

"Well, we wait until they've confirmed that they've got him in custody." Nikolai said, running his hands through his hair before sitting down next to me on his bed, and taking my hands in his.

"Why doesn't he just leave me alone?" I asked, quietly and Nikolai let out a sigh before pulling me against his chest.

"He is crazy, and he is angry, and he is probably just looking for someone to blame when he did this to himself." He said, before kissing me on the forehead. "Why don't you go take a shower and I'll make you something to eat?" He said in to my hair.

"Are you sure your dad won't mind me staying here?" I asked, pulling back slightly to look up at him and he nodded.

"He understands the situation. Don't worry." He reassured me before getting up and opening up his closest. He pulled a towel from the top rack and then walked over to a dresser and pulled out a black shirt and some shorts. He held them out to me.

"I hope these will do." He said and I shot him a grateful smile.

"They'll be just fine." I said as I took them and headed towards the en suite bathroom attached to his room. I opened the door and saw that there was another door leading into a room from the other side. I glanced back at Nikolai. "Uh, nobody will come in here right?" I asked, pointing at the door. He laughed and shook his head.

"No, don't worry. You can lock it if it makes you feel more comfortable." He said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said before slipping in and locking both doors.

"Meet me downstairs when you're done!" Nikolai called before his room's door slammed shut.

I set the items down on the counter before undressing and getting into the shower. I waited for the water to run hot before I stepped under it. I finished in ten minutes and then shut the water off and wrapped the towel around me. Once I was dry, I rinsed the make up off of my face and got dressed in Nikolai's over sized clothes. I slipped my Van's back on and then headed downstairs where I could smell bacon. I approached the kitchen counter just as Nikolai was putting scrambled eggs next to stacks of bacon in our plates. I shot him a grin.

"Its the middle of the night and you're making breakfast?" I asked in amusement and he shot me a smirk.

"No, its three in the morning so technically this is an appropriate meal." He said with a smirk before he cocked a brow as his eyes travelled over my body. "So, where is the rest of the NWA crew?" He asked and I glared him.

"Shut up." I grumbled before pulling on my shirt. "I realise that they're too big. You don't have to be that guy and state the obvious." I said before sitting down on his sofa. He laughed before coming over and handing me my plate.

"Right. Sorry." He said with a smile before biting into a piece of bacon.

I hadn't realised how hungry I was until I started eating, and then I couldn't stop and my food was gone before Nikolai was halfway with his plate. He looked over at me in amusement before handing me his plate. I refused at first but my stomach convinced me to give in and I ended up finishing his plate as well. It was embarrassing, but I did not regret it.

I'm Sorry (Watty Nominated 2019)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin