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Chapter 8
Nikolai King

I sat on my bed for half an hour straight, just replaying what Amelia told me earlier in my head.

I rehashed her every word, and i felt nothing but anger. It was a different kind of anger, something I've never felt before and it was all directed at Hunter.

I wanted to kill him. I was ready to head to his house and break his face in with my damn fists.

But i knew Amelia wouldn't want that.

Which is why I'm currently heading towards her house, in the dark, in the middle of the night.

I know, creepy much?

I have my hood pulled up as i turn into her street. But my blood turns to ice and i freeze to the spot as i stare at her house.

It looks like it did every other time I've seen it. There are a few lights on, no big deal. It's still that pretty white wooden house with the big driveway, no biggie.

But what made me freeze was the commotion happening on her front lawn.

There's an ambulance.

I spot Amelia's mom..i spot her dad, but i don't see Amelia..

Her mom is crying as i break into a sprint, my legs feel like concrete blocks as i struggle to move and get there fast enough.

I can see her saying something but i can't hear anything. As i get closer, i see Amelia's mom looking at the front door to their house that is standing wide open.

"What happened?!" I yell out in sheer panic.

Her parents both look back at me as i close in on them, their eyes wide and frantic. Amelia's mom reaches out for my hands as soon as i get close enough.

I let her hold them, but my mind is too focused on finding Amelia to be able to process any of the words that are coming out of her mom's mouth.

And then, i see movement in the front door; and two paramedics come out with a stretcher.

My eyes widen the moment i see Amelia and my brain goes blank.

"Amelia! Amelia!"

Her name bursts from my lips before i even know what I'm doing, and then I'm trying to get to her but something is holding me back.

"What the fuck happened?! What did he do?!" I yell to no one in particular, my eyes not leaving Amelia's unconscious form for a second.

It takes me a moment to realise that someone is holding me back.

"Son, calm down. Please."

It's Amelia's dad.

I look back at him to find him staring at me, begging me with his eyes to calm down.

His face is pale and tears are streaking his cheeks. It's suddenly strikes me as weird to see a grown man, especially one this strong, crying.

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