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Chapter 12
Amelia Cunningham

It was another day of school and another day of having to take the brunt of all the other students.

Another day of having to look Hunter in the eye and pray I don't have another panic attack.

I was barely through the school doors when Tyler tackled me, engulfing me in a lung crushing hug. Well, who needs a panic attack when your gay best friend forgets he has the strength of a man and crushes your air pipes anyways?

"Oh my God, are you okay, sweetie?" He cried dramatically and I wanted to laugh, I really did. But he was holding me so tight I could barely blink.

I tapped him on the shoulder but he didn't move. He squeezed harder and I swear I felt my insides shift closer together. I looked around for some help and was relieved when I saw Nikolai approaching us because my face must've turned a lovely shade of blue already. Nikolai smiled at me and i mouthed 'help me' to him since I couldn't find my voice.

"Tyler, my guy, don't you think you're squeezing the life out of Amelia?" He asked as he came to a stop beside us. Tyler immediately pulled away.

"Oh shit! Sorry, Amelia. Are you okay?!" He asked in horror and after I took in a few gallons of air and was sure my organs had moved back to their original positions, I shot him a smile and a thumbs up.

"Totally fine." I breathed and he smiled in relief.

"Okay goo-"

Tyler was cut off when he suddenly flew back against the lockers. The loud crash caused everyone to look in our direction, the busy hallway dying into an echoing silence. My heart was hammering and when I looked up from Tyler's form on the ground, I met Hunter's grey eyes. They were staring me down with malice.

I backed away and my back hit against someone. I looked up and saw it was Nikolai. He passed me his bag and then stepped in front of me in a protective stance, his eyes never leaving Hunter's form. Nikolai was angry.

He looked sinister.

His face was dark, and his eyes were darker. He drilled holes into Hunter's head. Hunter didn't take his eyes off me for a second though, not even as he turned around and sent a boot to Tyler's face.

I immediately tried to get to Tyler but Nikolai pushed me back. I grabbed his arm and looked up at him pleadingly.

"Nikolai! Do something! Stop him! He's hurting Tyler!" I yelled, shaking his arm.

Nikolai didn't move though, and I followed his eyes to where he was looking. A circle had formed around us by now and Hunter's friends had cut everyone off from entering the circle. I realised with a sickening drop in my stomach why Nikolai hadn't made a move yet.

They were waiting for someone to come at Hunter, then they would jump in. And two against seven or eight guys would only end up in someone getting badly injured. Especially if its against people like Hunter who have no humanity.

Hunter kicked Tyler twice more, so hard that Tyler spat out blood before he shot me a smirk.

"Take him outside." He hummed to his friends, but his eyes were still locked on mine.

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