Dear Diary #6

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Dear Reaper,

I know that it's been a while but i am finally back from hospital, and for once, something interesting actually happened today at school that didn't traumatize me.

Tyler finally believes me, Reaper. He actually believes me.

And, I think that we are okay now, that I might be somewhat okay now that I have him back in my life. But I feel that I have Nikolai to thank for that, for something good finally happening in my life. I've never had anyone stand by me the way he has done so far and I feel like he doesn't realize just how much I appreciate having him in my life.

He is my anchor now, my best friend.

But anyways, I spoke to Tyler today at school and turns out that Cameron switched high schools not too long after she ended our friendship over what Hunter did to me. But I can't help but feel like there was something that Tyler wasn't telling me concerning her, Reaper. Whatever it is though, I am sure that he has his reasons for not telling me. And maybe he will tell me someday.

Today was a good day, Reaper. It was definitely not what I was expecting when I walked through the school doors this morning, not with the venom-filled looks everyone was shooting me. I was expecting to have another bad day, to be the punchline in someone's joke about sexual harassment, or maybe, if it was one of their good days, find cute little drawings under my desk detailing what i 'claimed' Hunter and his friends did to me. 

But it was good for once, Reaper. For once, i felt like a human being, like a normal student, and not like damaged goods that everyone thinks cried wolf. I didn't even have to see Hunter today. I don't think he was in school, and I could not have been more relieved to not have to look into his hate-filled eyes, and see his mocking smile.

I really hope that i can have more days like the one I had today, and I hope that maybe someday soon, Cameron will be apart of them, because I really miss her.

And if there was hope for Tyler and myself, then maybe...just maybe, there is hope for my and Cameron's friendship again.

Anyways Reaper, it sounds like mom has just arrived home from work, so I am going to head down now.

You're such a good listener, Reaper, I really wish you were real so that you could speak to me too, I would love to hear about your great adventures in the unknown.

Until we meet again, Reaper...
Goodnight ♡ 🙂

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