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Chapter 10
Nikolai King

We just wanted to do something nice for Amelia today.

I just wanted to do something nice for her today.

But of course Hunter had to go and ruin it.


It was a nice, sunny Saturday morning and I had no plans. So I did something I never thought I'd do in a million years for the fact alone that he was pretty aggressive in his advances.

I called Tyler.

I wanted to see if he was free, if he wanted to help me surprise Amelia.

I should have known the idiot would drop everything once he heard my voice. He probably wouldn't get the message even if I tattooed 'I'm Straight, Tyler!' on my forehead.

Anyways, we decided to head to the mall, take Amelia out to eat, then to go see a movie and later tonight we would go to the fair down by the beach. It would be great, because I'm fairly certain she hasn't had a good day in quite some time. And honestly, it's good to see her smile. I love seeing her happy and I would do anything to keep that smile on her face, even if it meant having my ass grabbed by a gay guy all night and spending all of my allowance money.

Tyler agreed to meet me outside of Amelia's house. We would all be taking his car. That is, if Amelia agreed.

I felt a weird twinge in my stomach as I awkwardly stood outside of Amelia's house. I soon realised that it was nerves and I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I was just beginning to think that Tyler wouldn't show when the most flamboyant piece of artwork I've ever seen pulled up with Fallout boys blaring from the speakers. I gawked at his bright yellow car.

His bright yellow car that was covered in 3D stickers of kittens and butterflies and a huge Lego Batman bobble head doll on the roof.

Tyler switched off the engine and got out of the car. He smiled when he saw me and took hisbsunglasses off. I stared at him in disbelief.

"Surely it can't be legal for you to drive that thing?" I asked, glancing between him and the car. He shrugged.

"I haven't been pulled over this far so I think I'm good. It's a beauty, isn't it?" He asked me, pride lacing his voice as he looked back at the car. I awkwardly cleared my throat.

"Uh, yeah..so, what car is that, exactly?" I asked with an awkward laugh. The last thing I wanted to do was offend him. He shot me a look like I was stupid.

"It's a mini cooper." He said in a deadpan voice and my eyed widened.

Oh lord.

"Oh, is that what it is?" I let out another awkward laugh. "Yeah no I'm horrible with cars." I lied, trying to keep the smile on my face. He studied me with suspicious grey eyes for a few seconds before he shrugged.

"Oh, is that so." He said sarcastically and then breezed past me and up the porch steps to Amelia's front door. I heard him ring the doorbell as I shot his car one last look before following his lead.

It was Amelia's mom who answered the door. Her face lit up in a delightful surprise when she saw Tyler.

"Mother, I'm home!" Tyler cried before going in to hug her mom. She hugged him back.

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