Dear Diary #10

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Dear Reaper,

I can't believe I forgot that it was mom and dad's marriage camp this weekend.

I always dread them going and leaving me alone, but I guess, with Nikolai in my life and Tyler back in the picture, I wasn't really as worried, because i knew they would stay with my all weekend if i asked them to.

But Hunter knew.

How he knew, that was beyond me.

But God, does it make me angry, Reaper.

I spent the past few years of my life scared and terrified of him, Reaper. I was always hiding from him, always looking for a way to avoid him.

But, I never once felt anger towards him.

Until now.

I guess I've finally had, I've finally gotten tired of being afraid, of taking his shit.

Facing him head on has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever done, but Reaper, it was the best feeling in the world. The look of surprise on his face when I finally stood up for myself was priceless. It brought me a kind of satisfaction I didn't know existed.

It felt like I had taken a part of myself back.

And like I said, Reaper, the whole nice guy persona was just an act. The mask came off the moment I bared my teeth at him and provoked him.

I called him a rapist to his face, Reaper.

I feel so much better.

No, I feel good.

His words, his threats, they don't phase me anymore.

He can't hurt me.

Enough is enough, Reaper.

I refuse to play this game of cat and mouse any longer.

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