All The Right Moves- Chapter 24

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This made Ethan laugh, "Hi baby." He stated kissing Blake's cheek.

She smiled at Ethan before turning serious again.

"You're in big trouble!" She told Clay as she gave me a quick hug before walking away with Clay into the kitchen.

"She's staying in the guest house. You can stay there or upstairs in one of the rooms." Ethan clarified.

I nodded before turning to the side door to head out to the guest house.

"Wait," Ethan said causing me to turn around.

"Figured you'd go there. Here." He said tossing a set of keys to me.

"One is for the guest house, other is for the main door just in case." He replied before walking to the kitchen.

Making my way over, a million thoughts were swarming my head.

I had about 6 days until I had to leave again.

A lot could happen in 6 days.

I took a deep breath as I reached the door and opened it.

I knocked twice before completely opening the door.

"Yeah?" I heard her say.

I immediately felt better.

"Hey, its me." I replied walking in.

Charlie was on the couch, freshly showered with her laptop propped up.

She looked up and shot me a huge smile.

"Hey, you. You did great at your game! So weird watching you on TV and not in person." She said pushing the computer so she could stand.

Without saying anything, I walked over to her immediately enveloped her body in mine.

I hugged her and immediately every thought left my mind.

I felt at home.

She let out a small laugh.

I shut my eyes tight, relishing in the moment.

I didn't want to let her go.

"You okay?" She asked, moving her head so she was now looking up at me.

"I am." I told her.

I was now.

She shot me a sad smile before pulling away from the hug.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, pushing her to sit beside me.

She crisscrossed her legs on the couch and placed her hands in her lap as she spoke.

"I feel much better. Stronger. The headaches are there but they aren't as strong. And my ribs are sore but the pain is bearable. Thankfully I have medicine to help with that." She said pushing a piece of hair away from her face as she spoke.

I glared at her, taking in every word she spoke.

"How are you, with everything else?" I asked probing.

I knew she knew what I was asking.

She let out a sigh before responding, "Truthfully? I'm alright. Sometimes I'm a bit anxious but other times I feel like it might be a blessing in disguise. Like I asked myself, do I want to remember the accident? What if this amnesia happened to make me forget about all things that hurt me or were terrifying?"

I clenched my jaw at the thought.

I felt torn in a million ways.

She would eventually find out and will have to relive her heartbreak all over again.

But now, she would live through the fear that she must've endured when going into the fire.

I closed my eyes at the thought.

Imagining Charlie in my parents' house as it burned to the ground had been a nightmare I couldn't escape from.

Sensing my stress, Charlie reached out to hold my hands and moved them in her lap.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to worry." She said trying to get my attention.

"You are the strongest person I know. Don't ever think that you are otherwise. And I'm glad you told me that because that's how you feel. I want to know how you're feeling about everything. Don't ever hold back," I clarified looking into her eyes which were searching for answering in mine.

"And don't ever think that you're burdening me. I will always worry for you and worry about you, but that comes natural. You mean the absolute world to me Tiger." I reassured.

She shot me a genuine smile.

"So I'm guessing you're crashing here too?" She asked glancing at my bags then to me.

I shot her back a smile, "Yeah, I hope you don't mind. My parents are staying at my place until the insurance finds them one and I don't really want to be in the house where Blake and Ethan's funny business is going down. Not trying to hear them make a Clay 2.0 any time soon."

That caused her to laugh, "You're absolutely fine. It will be like good old Charlie and Drew times. Why do I feel like we've done this in a past life?"

That caused me to sigh and grip onto her hands tighter.

Because we lived together silly.

"We always did have those sleep overs at Blake's." I replied.

My heart dropped to my stomach as I said that knowing damn straight that that wasn't half the truth.

"That's right! We used to do that all the time before we all went our own ways." She replied laughing slightly.

I nodded before breaking our hold and standing up.

"Right well, I'm going to stay in the room you haven't already put your stuff in." That caught her off guard.

Standing up behind me she spoke, "Right. I took the room on the left. The one on the right is empty but you know there's only one bathroom but I don't think we should have trouble with that. Just make sure if you bring anyone back to at least give me a heads up."

I didn't walk a step more.

Turning around I felt myself grow angry.

"What?" I asked her needing clarification.

If she was thinking what I think she was, I didn't know how I'd react.

"You know what I mean Underwood. I get it, you're in the NFL and you've got you know, groupies. Just give me a heads up. I don't want to wake up and-"

"Stop." I cut her off.

"Just stop." I added.

She shot me a confused expression.

"I'm not that guy Charlie. Haven't been that guy in years."

That caused her to frown.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," I replied before making my way over to the bedroom.

Shutting the door behind me, I threw my bags to the side and slouched to the bed.

Placing my head in my hands, I felt myself losing it.

I absolutely loved the woman and refraining from expressing it was causing me to go insane.

The woman I loved was outside thinking I was bringing back other f*cking whores.

I couldn't fathom the thought.

"F*ck," I shouted.

I needed to be patient. Needed to remember that everything would fall to place eventually. I needed to trust this and to trust us.

Most importantly, I needed to trust that we were meant to be together and that we would eventually find our way back.

All The Right MovesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang