"Go! Beat Chipmunks ass!" Lisa said loudly, causing Jisoo to shut her up.

"Woopie, woopie. Rosé unnie is going to lose!" Y/N said in her baby voice, then giggled afterwards. All of us awww'ed at her, including Rosé.

"Now I know why Jennie fell for Y/N," Tzuyu said, shaking her head playfully while drinking some wine, making all of us laugh. Nayeon, her girlfriend on the other side, kissed her cheek. I smiled at them warmly. They're perfect together. I turned my head back to Y/N to hear her squeal with Lisa.

"Winner, winner, Jisoo's Chicken Dinner!" They both exclaimed at the same time, causing us to laugh loudly. I stopped the record and smiled to myself—another cute video of my girlfriend.

"Hey! What's your problem with my chicken?!" Jisoo joked. Lisa and Y/N high-fived, laughing. Rosé, on the other hand, was pouting.

"Yah! They didn't even let me win, Y/N-ah!" Rosie said dramatically, which caused the other girl to sigh playfully. Y/N pouted at her and said in her baby voice, "I'm sorry, unnie. Maybe they will let you win next time."

"Yah! Jagi! Stop being cute!" I told her. She went over to me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry," she giggled. I kissed her, and she kissed back. She cleared her throat and went near my ear, whispering in her raspy voice.

"You don't want me to be cute; what do you prefer, sweetheart, me being all cute or me being sexy and dominant?"

She licked and nibbled lightly on my earlobe. I gulped, and I started sweating. Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me? She pulled back, and she smirked. Oh God, that was so hot. I'm so fucking gay, I love it.

"Hey Jungkook, RM said we're going to go home," Jimin announced, tapping Bunny Boy on his shoulder. I rolled my eyes secretly. Rosé, Lisa, and Tzuyu saw it. They all smirked at me. Jimin is always flirting with Y/N. Like, always. Every time he has the chance, he flirts with my girlfriend. Y/N always gets annoyed and goes away, but he just follows her everywhere. Such a desperate b*tch, right? His eyes landed on my girlfriend, who was on my side. Y/N just kept quiet. I looked over to her to see her looking at the photos of the two of us while blushing. My heart melted at the sight.

He smirked and said, "Hey there, Y/N. Wanna go out on a date later?" Jimin asked, biting his lip, trying to be seductive, which made me want to puke on his face.

"No. Please leave with Jungkook. You might cause another fight, Mr. Jimin," Y/N said. Sending glares to Jimin.

One thing about Y/N is that she doesn't like to fight or argue with anyone. She doesn't want to hurt someone physically or emotionally. Yes, she's that type of person.

"Come on, baby. You're playing hard to get. Just go on one date with me, and maybe you'll get it." He smirked even wider.

"Yow, dude. What the fuck? Get the hell out of here! She's already taken for fucks sake," Rosé said, obviously irritated.

"You need to get out of here, or else I'll kick your ass with my long legs, dude. You need to lower your hormones. She's taken, so better back off." Lisa drank her wine, like the bad bitch she is. I smirked secretly. All of us are protective over Y/N. For them, she's their little sister. Actually, even my other friends are protective of her. They know how much I love Y/N, and they also know I always want her to be safe. I've had enough. I stood up and cleared my throat.

"What else do you want to fucking say?" I asked him, going in front of him, crossing my arms, and raising my brow.

"I want her to be mine, Miss Kim," he said, smirking at me while running his fingers through his hair.

"Such a desperate guy," Lisa said firmly.

"I also want to fuc-" He got cut off when I landed a hard slap on his face.

"Don't you ever say that. Go find your own, and fuck her with your dick that's small just like your pinkie. You know? You have the looks, but you're also a bitch. It's not a good combination. With the attitude you're showing, Y/N will never like you. Single or not, she's not going to like someone who's so desperate and stupid." I smirked, satisfied with my savage speech. Everybody was just quiet, too scared to say a word.

"L-love. No more, please?" Y/N said softly while holding my hand and making everyone go look at her.

I looked over to her and said, "I'm just trying to protect you; I'm just trying to protect my baby. Don't worry too much about me, alright? I can manage." I told her and kissed her forehead; she just pouted at me. I instantly looked away because, who could resist her?!

"If you want to get out of here alive, I request that you go," I told Jimin while putting a hand on my left hip.

Jungkook stood up and said, "We will go now, Noona. I'm sorry for what he said and how he acted." He bowed.

I nodded simply and said, "Get him out of here, Jungkook, before I call my bodyguard and drag him outside."

They're about to go, but something came to mind.

"Ah! Jimin, come here," I said, motioning for him to come near me. I smirked at my plan. He went up to me and said, with irritation obvious in his voice, "What?"

I slapped him so hard that his cheek went so red. Everyone went in the chorus of "oooh's."

"Hmmm, a blush looks good on you. How about we put some on the other cheek?" I didn't wait for his answer and slapped his other untouched cheek. Everybody laughed. "Yaaah. It looks good on you, Jimin!" Tzuyu said. Nayeon just shook her head at her girlfriend.

I smirked, "Get the fuck out of here," telling them to go away. Jungkook dragged him away from us, causing me to smirk even wider.

"Well, that was easy," I said, puffing out a breath.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Rosé asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Don't worry, baby, sis; he will never go near you again," Lisa said, rubbing her shoulder. I smiled at their actions; she's very special to them, to us, and to me.

I went up to her and said, "Don't worry, baby. I will always be here to protect you. Okay? I love you, and I wouldn't let him go near you or even let him get you away from me. I love you, baby, so much."

She smiled at my words, causing me to smile even wider.

"Thank you so much; I love you too. So much," she replied, staring into my eyes deeply.

I smiled at her and kissed her lips passionately. Everyone awww'ed at us.

You're mine, and only mine, Y/N Lee. No one's got to touch or go near Jennie Kim's property.

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