The Hell?!

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(Jelena upbove)
I am so confused. What does she mean again. Has Justin done something else to her. Pity? I looked at her with pity? I didn't mean to. I hate when people look at me with pity. So why would I do it to her. I guess we as humans have no control over what our eyes reflect.
I stand up and walk over to my purse and grab my phone.
"9-1-1 where's your emergency?"
"Uhm...345th South 787th Lane."
"What's your emergency?"
"M-my friend..s-s-she needs a
a-a-ambulance." I stutter out. Trying not to to cry on the phone.
"Ma'am calm down. Deep breaths. A ambulance is on the way. Now tell me what happen. " The officer says on the other line.
"She c-c-committed s-suicide!" I choke out now in complete tears.
"Ma'am take a deep bre-" I hung up on her when I heard a faint sound of footsteps coming up the stairs.
It can't be the police. They wouldn't knocked. So the first thought that pops into my head is intruder.
I quickly run to my dresser and pull out my gun. I check to make sure it's loaded. It is.
I drive Justin home and make sure he is ok. On my way home I stop by the old yogurt shop. The big sign saying 'Swirl It' was no longer light up. All the lights have died. To be honest it was kinda depressing. But I only came here to get the girls yogurt.
After getting the yogurt I pace the bag holding the frozen yogurt on the floor in the passenger seat.
I pull into Jelena's driveway and pull my keys out the ignition. I grab the movies, candy, and frozen yogurt.
I unlock the door and place my keys on the FORGET-ME-NOT.
I set the bags down on the counter and walk upstairs to see if Jelena and Sara are ok.
I was half way up the stairs when all of a sudden I heard a loud bang.
"Get off me!" I heard a female voice yell.
I immediately knew it was Jelena. I ran up the stairs and busted into her room.
As soon as I enter the room I see Jelena on the floor and a male figure on too of her.
"You thought he would hit me and get away with it!" The male yelled at her.
I immediately ran over to her and pulled the guy off of her punching him in the face.
He tried punching me but I dodged him and punched him again. I took off his mask and see it's-
"The hell?! John!" I yell.
He was about to speak when I started to punch him over and over in the face.
"Michael! Michael stop! you're going to kill him! Stop!" Jelena yelled trying to pry me away from him.
But I couldn't stop. He was on her. He was hurting her. So. I am going to hurt him.
All I remember is the slight sounds of sirens and Jelena's begs for me to stop.
Before everything went dark.

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