He Got What He Deserved

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"What do you want?!" I say through gritted teeth.

"I just wanted to stop by and give Jelena a birthday present. I mean you only turn 23 once right?" He says with a nervous laugh.

I walk out of the house shutting the door behind me. I walk up to him with only a few feet separating us. He is lucky I didn't punch home the moment I saw his face.

"You aren't welcomed here. Now I suggest you leave before I do something I definitely won't regret!"

"Look I just want to talk to her. Ok that's all!" I can tell he is getting annoyed but frankly I don't care. He should be happy he isn't on the floor bleeding to death. 

"Well John she doesn't want to talk, look, think, or even be near you! You disgust her. And if I'm being honest, which I am. You disgust everybody here. Because every one here is Jelena's friends. People who care about her. And every single one of them know EXACTLY what you did." I am starting to get really irritated with John and if he doesn't leave soon. He will leave with a broken nose."So why don't you go back to that red head of yours and never come near Jelena again! And if I found out you did! Well you might as well start planning your funeral."

"Fine i'll leave. But this isn't over. I was her first love. And you know what they say right? You never forget your first love." He says this with amusement clear in his voice and on his face.

With that he walks away. It's when he is right in front if his car when I run up to him and bash his gave into the good of the car. Hearing a loud cracking nose when his face makes contact with the hood of the car.

"She never loved you! And she never never will!" he then falls to the floor crying and holding his nose. I kick him hard in the stomach before walking back into the house.

When I enter the house I see Jelena beyond wasted and dancing on table top with her eyes closed. when she opens her eyes she spots me and her eyes immediately light up. And I know why. The DJ is playing the song we first danced too. On the night we met. She slowly makes her way towards me with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey baby. Do you remember the first day we meant?" She says flirty.

"Yeah babe I do." I say while taking her hand in mine and bringing her towards the dance floor.

We immediately start dancing. It felt like me and her were the only people in the room. With me holding her close. And no one dared to interrupt us. We danced for the rest if the night together. And with her near me all my problems and worries went away. All I could think about was this beautiful angel I was dancing with. And no one will take her away from me. No one.

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