Dude You Screwed Up

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"Sara baby calm down." I said handing Sara her cup of coffee and siting next to her.

"How could she do this! W-we were s-suppose to be f-friends." She says in between sobs.

"I know. I know. Hey let's get your mind off of that. I will send Michael to a redbox and have him get us some movies. Would you like that?" I ask hoping to her her to stop crying and agree.

She doesn't say anything she just sips her hot coffee and nods her head.

"Ok I will go tell Michael to get us some movies. And snacks. Until then you can watch some tv." I tell her while handing her the tv remote and then walking downstairs.

"Michael!" I call.

"Living room!" He yells back.

I walk into the living room and sit next to Michael. He pulls me closer and turns off the tv.

"How is she?" He asks concern clear in his voice and, on his face.

"She was better then before. She isn't crying as much. " I say "he hurt her bad Michael. Real bad. My heart aches for her. How could someone do something so evil. So heartless. " I say tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

"Hey hey hey. It's alright. It's all going to be ok." he says while wiping away my tears and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"No. Michael. I don't think she will be ok. I mean she loved him. Justin was the first guy she ever let in. She gave him everything. This will ruin her. She will never let another guy in. She will push away any other guy who will try and love her. Justin broke her Michael. He broke her." I say on the verge of crying.

"It's going to be alright. I'm here to help." he cooed.

"Speaking of help. I came down here to tell you that we need you to buy us some movies, and snacks. " I say while looking up at him and smiling.

He chuckles slightly. "Of course babe. What kinda movie." He asks while placing a small kiss on my lips. Making my smile grow even more.

"A comedy. And make sure there is no love involved." I tell him dead serious about the last part.

"Ok babe." He says while standing up.

"Thank you." I say sanding up too and wrapping my arms around his waist. "For everything. " I place a kiss on his lips and before I could pull away, he pulled me closer deepening our kiss.

"I would do anything for you. Anything." he says while breaking our kiss. And I stand there like a idiot trying to catch my breath.

"I'll be back soon. " He says before putting his phone in his pocket and grabbing his keys off the FORGET-ME-NOT.

"This is going to be a long night." I say to myself before walking into the kitchen to grab my secret chocolate stash for Sara and me.


I'm half way to Walmart when decide it's time to call him. I click on the radio and push the voice command button.

"Call Justin." i say so the speaker will hear me.

"Calling Justin. "It responded.







"Hello." Justin says. He sounded terrible. But I decided not to comment on that.

"Hey man, can you meet me at the Walmart across from circle K." I ask. I'm hoping he will say yes. Because I'm not taking no for a answer.

"Um I don't know." He says quickly. A little too quick for me.

"Justin what's going on?!" I ask dead serious. Justin knows this tone. When I talk to him like this I always win. I don't know Why but I scare Justin. Even though we have been friends for as long as I can remember. Maybe it's because I work out more the him. I don't know.

"Nothing man. Fine. I'll be there in like 10 minutes!" He yells and then hangs up.


Im in the candy isle when I get a text from Justin.

{where r u? - Justin}

{candy isle. -Michael}

A few minutes later while

I'm looking a different chocolates. Justin walks up to me looking like someone just died in his family.

"Hey man. " Justin says never making eye contact with me.

I stand up from my crouching position and look him over.

"What happen to you man?" I ask him looking him in the eye. But his eyes never meet mine. His eyes are everywhere but on me.

"I'm pretty sure Jelena already told you everything. " He says sounding angry.

"Yeah she did. Dude what were you thinking. " I say curious to what he was thinking.

"I wasn't!" He yells loudly. People in the isle look at us and walk away." I wasn't. I was drunk. I made a mistake. "He says quieting his voice and running a hand through his already messing hair. By the looks of it, it seems like he has been doing that a lot this night.

"I don't even remember half the night." he says.

"Everything is mostly a blur. " All I remember is bits and pieces. Bits and pieces. "He says with his voice cracking at the end. It sounded like he was about to cry. Which is surprising to me. I mean Justin NEVER cries. The only time I have ever seen or heard him cry was when his little sister was murdered about 3 and a half years ago. Now on the anniversary of her death he just locks himself in his apartment. And doesn't talk to anyone. And the next day he would act as if nothing is wrong.

"Dude, you screwed up." Is all I manage to say.

"Don't you think I know that Michael!" he yells," I have been sitting in my apartment blowing up her phone with text messages, phone calls, voice mails, and even emails! When you called me I was sitting the living room staring at a picture of us kissing and smiling. With a bottle of volka In my hand. And empty beer bottles all over the coffee table. I'm a mess Michael! I'm a mess without her in my life! do you honestly think I would cheat on her, if I was sane in my mind that night!! no! I wouldn't! because I love her! I ! love! her! Michael I really do! and and I-I lost her." he says now in full out tears. "I lost the best thing in my life. Yes Michael yes I messed up! but I didn't mean too. And I sure I hell didn't want to lose her. She was my everything." He stops to catch his breath. And tries to control his tears."you know I can't even say her name without breaking down in tears. When I would call her. I would say her name to apologize. And I would break down in tears every single call. Because I said her name. " He says.

I don't know what to say. I have never seen him like this. So I do the only thing I think is right.

I hug him.

And he starts to cry even harder on my shoulder.

And I Let him.

Neither one of us saying a word.

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