Mystery man

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I wake up to the sun shining through the white curtains.

I yawn and make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I brush my teeth I go downstairs so make some coffee and breakfast.

As soon as I reach the bottom of the stair case I am greeted by my German Shepard Max.

"Hey buddy! Do you want a treat?" I say in a some what baby voice.

"Let's go get you treat." I say as walking towards the pantry.

I open the pantry and grab the bag of beggin strips.

"Sit! Lay down! Now roll over!" As I command Max, he obediently follows, and I give him his treat.

As I make my way over to the coffee machine my phone buzzes letting me know I have message.

"Hey Jelena my cousin is having a party this weekend at her house, and I really want you to come!"-Sara

"Umm I don't know. I think I'm busy."-Jelena

I am not busy. I just don't feel like going to party with people I don't know. Well I will know Sara, but still I know she won't want to hang with me the entire time.

As soon as I start the coffee machine, the room immediately starts to smell like hazelnut.

As I wait for my coffee to finish brewing my phone buzzes letting me know I have another message.

"Oh come on! I know you are lying. Just come with me it will be fun! I promise! pllleeeaasee!"-Sara

This girl is relentless.

"I don't know. I wouldn't know anyone there."-Jelena

"Actually Jenna, Emily, Yoli, Amanda, and Celia are coming to. So actually you will.(;"-Sara

I want to go. I am just nervous because I haven't been out in a while. But the party does seen like fun. So why not.

"Ugh fine i'll go. But you have to come with me to buy an outfit for the party."-Jelena

"Ha! That's all? Sure thing! What time do you want me to pick you up at?" -Sara

Well I have to finish making breakfast and take a shower and all. So I will tell her to pick me up around 2:30.

"Is 2:30 ok?"-Jelena

"Yeap! See ya soon! (:"-Sara

As I place my phone down on the counter my coffee finishes.

I pour myself a cup am decide to skip breakfast and to just take a shower.

I take a drink from my coffee and feel my muscle relax as the warm beverage slides down my throat.

As I head upstairs to my room Max follows me.

I enter my room and grab my towel while Max lays down on my bed. I give me a small pat on the bed before setting my cup on the counter, and entering the shower.

I decided to text the rest of the girls to let them all know that Jelena is coming.

I was pretty shocked when Jelena decided to go. I thought I was going to have to drag her out that house.

Once I finish the text, I place the phone on the couch while I watch t.v.

In the middle of my show my phone rings out of no where scaring the crap out of me.

I look at the caller ID to see who's calling, and smile as I see it's my boyfriend Justin.

"Hey babe. What's up?"

"Nothing I was just wondering if we were still going to your cousins house? For that party."

"Yeah of course. Are you still bringing all your friends?"

"Yeah. I'm bringing Ian, Trevor, Caleb, and Michael. What about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Are you still bringing your little group or whatever?"

"Yeah. It's gonna be me, Jelena, Celia, Emily, Yoli, Amanda, and Jenna"

"Wait so is Jelena still single?"

"Yeah,why?" I ask curiously.

"Well Michael is sort of into her." He rushes the words.

"What?? No way!" I practically scream.

"Yeah. Every since he saw that picture of you guys at the mountains, he been obsessed. Well obsessed in a good way." He laughs.

"I don't think there is a good way." I tell him jokingly.

"Well I gotta go pick up Jelena. Ha speak of the devil. But I will call you later babe. bye."

"Bye babe."He says then hangs up.

We have been dating for 3 years now, but yet every time he calls me 'babe' or 'baby'. My heart leaps.

I look at the time and it's 2 o'clock so I grab my keys and head towards Jelena's house.

As I finish curling my light brown hair I hear my door bell.

I take one last look in the mirror satisfied with my hair.

Max jumps off the bed and nearly falls down the stairs trying to hurry to the door. I laugh and run down the stairs to the door.

"Hey." Sara says

"Hey. I'm almost ready I just have to do my makeup." I tell her and she rolls her eyes, while stepping inside.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You don't need makeup Jelena. You are already beyond gorgeous!" She tells me and I blush.

I don't think I'm beautiful. I think I'm pretty, but not beautiful. If I was beautiful my ex boy friend wouldn't have cheated on me with red head last year.

"Whatever." I tell her and run upstairs to put my make up on. Not a lot. I put on my mascara and eyeshadow. While I was putting a thin line of eyeliner on, Sara joins me in my room. With Max at her heels.

"I am almost finish."I tell her, while I put eyeliner on my other eye.

When I finish she looks at me and smiles.

"What?" I say.

"Oh nothing. I just know a certain someone, who is really hot and May or may not have a crush on you." She says it with a calm tone. But I can tell by her eyes that she Is excited.

"Who?" I ask a little too excited.

She laughs before answering.

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