We're Done! Pt2

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"Put it on speaker." Jelena told me demandingly and I did so.

"Um hey Justin."

"Tell him to meet you here." Jelena whispered.

"So what's up?" Justin asked through the phone.

"Hey can you meet me at the Starbucks."

"Uh sure I guess."

"Ok. See you then. "

"Uh yeah bye."

And with that I hang up.

"So what are you planning to do?" I ask Jelena worriedly.

"I'm going to confront him. Simple." She tells me as if it is the easiest thing in the world.

"What? no questions?" I ask in disbelief.

"Look I don't know about you, but I am a women. I don't play little guessing games. Trying to guess the right answer. I get right to the point. I don't be mad at people and not tell them why. I don't flirt with one person one minute and sleep with a another guy the next. " She says with no sign of being sorry. Only truth in her eyes.

Before I could say anything else Justin pulled up in his black mustang with a two dark blue lines going down the middle.

"Hey Jelena." Justin says a little too nervous. " I didn't know you were going to be here." He says while placing his hands in his pockets.

My god he looked so good. Wait? What am I saying?!

What happen at that party was a mistake! A ONE time thing.

Plus it only happened in the first place because we were both beyond white girl wasted.

It was meant nothing to me. Right?

"Take a seat Justin." Jelena said with A LOT of hate in her voice, which snapped me out my thoughts.

Justin nervously took a seat.

"So what's going on?" Justin asks never looking me or Jelena in the eye.

"Oh don't play stupid!" Jelena says getting irritated."what's going on is you cheating on your girlfriend!! With her friend!"


"Oh so. Now you have nothing to say?" Jelena says getting angrier at the second.

"Seems like you didn't have to say much either when you decided to sleep with my so-called friend! in my own house!!" She spits.

Nothing. Nothing but complete awkward silence. So. I speak.


"Don't. " She says cutting me off. "Don't you dare say on word. " She looking at me with so much hate.

"You know Justin." She says turning her attention back to him. "Frankly I didn't want to hear your sorry excuse anyway.i mean you not even trying to deny tells me that you. Are a no good. CHEATER!!!!" She says getting a little too angry for my liking.


"Shut up Celia!!" She yells cutting me off. "Just shut up!!"

Nothing. He is saying nothing. I honestly don't get what going on with him. Why isn't he saying anything.

Just then...




"Oh hey Sara." Jelena says with a smirk on her face.

"Jelena please don't say anything!" Justin blurts out putting his arms out in front of him.

"Oh so now you want to talk Justin.?" Jelena says. Her smirk going even wider.

"Oh yeah I am with Justin. I'm also with Celia. It's funny because at my birthday they got real aquatinted."

"Hey Sara Justin has something important to tell you. So can you meet is at Starbucks right now?"

"I would tell you. But I found out. And this is something he needs to tell you face to face." She says never taking her eyes off Justin.

Her eyes just burning into him. I wouldn't be surprised if they left a mark.

"Ok Sara see you in 5." Jelena says then hangs up.


Jelena gets up from her and goes to greet Sara at her car.

Justin just sits there looking down at hands whispering to himself.

"So what's going on Justin?" Sara asks while taking a seat in between Justin and Jelena. And right across from.

"I-uh I-i" Justin stutters out.

I just sit there finishing off the rest of my coffee.

While as Jelena has already finished hers and is mad-dogging Justin.

"Go on Justin. Tell her or I will." Jelena  says with no mercy.

"W-what's going on guys? You guys are scaring me." Sara asks.

"Well earlier today Celia called me and told me to meet her here because something happened at the party when you left. She told me what happen and I was beyond angry so I told her to call Justin and tell him to meet us here. So I asked him about it to see if he would at least tell the truth or try to defend himself. But he should silent not saying a word. So I already he is guilty. I just wanted him to own up to. Then you called me and he finally said something. But what he said was for me not to tell you. So I invited you here so Justin can tell you himself. " Jelena says never taking her eyes off of Justin.

"And don't you dare try and lie. "Jelena says giving him a death.

"Justin if you don't tell me what happen at that party. Jelena will." Sara says while grinding her teeth.

"Well I-uh I-I." Justin stutters out.

"For Christ sake spit it out!" Sara yells.

"I slept with Celia." Justin says while hanging his head down in shame.


Sara is shocked. I can tell. Her mouth wide open and her eyes as big as saucers.


Just then Sara stands up and slaps Justin with a lot of force and could by the sound of the impact. And how fast Justin's face got.

"We're done!" Sara yelled and grabbed Jelena hand.

"Come on. Let's go to my house." Jelena said while standing up.

Sara nodded her head rapidly. I

Could tell she was about to cry.

I would too.

"I will drive. When he get to my house I will have Justin walk to Starbucks and pick up your car." Jelena says and they both walk away. Neither even taking a second to look back.

Then they drive off.

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