I love you

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As I walk back into the house I see a pacing a very angry Michael.

"Why was he even here?!" He yelled still pacing.

I walk over to him and put my hands on his chest, which makes him look down at me. I stare into his staring deep gray eyes. I can see his eyes softening but he tries to keep his body hard and angry.

"Sit down and relax baby." I say trying to soothe him.

"Why was he here?" He ask again except more calm.

"I honestly don't know baby." I tell him.

He pulls me into his arms and whispers something into my ear.

"I was so scared he was trying to take you away from me." he says.

"No one. And I mean no one can take me away from you." I tell him and place a small kiss on his lips.

"If he ever comes near you again I will kill him." he tells me.

"Shhh baby. Calm down." I tell him. the scary thing is when he said it I believed he would kill john.

"I love you Jelena." He tells me before kissing me. My heart starts racing. that is the first time he has told me he loved me. I mean I never said it to him because I didn't want him to feel obligated to say it back if he didn't feel the same.

"I love you too. More than you will ever know." I tell him and meaning it.

"Promise you will love me. And never leave me forever and ever." He says.

"I promise." I tell him.

I felt bad because I do love him and always will. He has my heart. my fragile fragile heart in his hands. It's just I don't believe in forever. Forever is for movies and books. Forever is for false hope. Forever is nothing but pain. And forever eventually turns into never.

I do love him and I always will. It's just I wish he didn't say forever. I can't blame him though. I use to be one of those people. Who believed in love at first sight. who believed love is about fun and taking risk. I use to believe love was meant to last...forever.

But ever since John broke my heart I know now. I see the light and reality. And in reality there is no love at first sight. It's just two people who like each other because of the way they look and grow to love. In reality love isn't about fun and taking risk. It's about hard work and commitment. About giving more then you get. In reality love isn't meant to last forever. Soon that pretty little light will die out. It always does.

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