Could this day get any worse?

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I wake up expecting to have Michael by my side. But to my surprise I am wrong. I am disappointed me left me with no goodbye or even a note. After I get done brushing my teeth I go to fees Max. After I finish filling his bowl I call for Max.

"Max! Breakfast! Come here boy!" I yell. As I enter the kitchen the smell of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and hazelnut coffee fill the air. And to my surprise I see Michael standing by the stove shirtless flipping a pancake, with Max right by his side. He turns around to place a pancake on a plate and instantly smiles when our eyes connect. I can tell he has been working out lately because his shoulders were more broad. And his arms got bigger. Like WAY bigger.

He walks towards me and hugs me while placing a small kiss on my head. His chest is harder and stronger. And I always feel safe and protected from everything terrible in the world.

He pulls away from our hug.

"Good morning sunshine." He tell me while placing a small kiss on my lips. Even the small sweet kisses show more love and passion then any kiss I have ever received from my pass relationships.

"Morning." I tell him with a smile on my face.

"How long have you been awake?" He ask while leading me to the table.

"Not long." I answer. "When I woke up I brushed my teeth and filled up Max's bowl for breakfast." I leave out the part of me thinking he left.

When I sit down on the table Max runs over to me and places his two front paws on my lap while licking me face.

"Down boy! Down!" I yell while a smile and holding back my giggles.

"Easy boy she's mine." Michael says with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. I feel butterflies start to flutter in my stomach when he said 'she's mine.'

After a couple more licks Max jumps off and prances out the kitchen. Most likely to go eat his breakfast.

"I made us some breakfast. Are you hungry?" He ask.

"Yes very." I tell him.

He places a plate in front of me with bacon and eggs and sets another plate next to it with my pancakes. After he sets his plates down he places out coffee on the table.

"Would you like some orange juice or is coffee enough?" He ask.

"The coffee is perfect. Now sit down and let's enjoy this wonderful breakfast." I tell him with a smile on my face. He sits down with a smile and we both start to eat and make conversation.


"I just don't him hurting her like John did." Justin tells me over the phone. With concern clear in his voice.

"I know babe, but they seem happy. Jelena looks happier then she has ever been. I mean did you see them last night. Jelena's past boyfriends would have never kissed her with that much love in front of anyone." I tell him.

"Yeah. Michael doesn't even go for public affection so I was surprised when I saw him kissing her." He tells me then signs.

"I guess you are right babe. She does look happier then ever. I just hope Jelena can trust Michael. You know?" He says

"Yeah I hope she doesn't let what happen with John effect her relationship with Michael." I tell him.

"Well I have to go for my morning jog babe. I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too." He says and I hang up.


This is ridiculous. I have been sitting in front of her house for 2 hours now I should just go up there and knock on the door. But there is a car there and I have no clue who it is. Unless one of her friends got a new car, I don't have a clue.

I finally walk up to her house and ring the doorbell. A couple seconds pass before she opens the door.

"J-john?" She ask.

"Um yeah babe. Can I come in?" I ask nervously.

She looks at me as if she wants to cut my tongue out and feed it to Max.

"First of all I'm not your babe!" She yells clearly furious."Second of all-"

"Baby what's wrong?" She is cut off by this shirtless guy coming up and hugging her from behind. Who the heck is this guy?! Who am I kidding Jelena is beautiful. She clearly has no problem getting a man.

"Who is this?" The guys asks looking at me like he is ready to beat me to a pole.

"This is my ex boyfriend. John." She tells him while looking at me still.

"You need to leave." The guys tells me.

"Now!" He yells. He is about to do something I can tell but Jelena whispers something to him and he walks away into the house.

"What do you want." She spits.

"I just want to talk." I tell her.

"Sorry but you don't have that right anymore." She hisses.

"Now leave before I call the cops." She tells me.

"His he your boyfriend?" I ask looking down at my feet. so she won't see the sadness in my eyes.

"What?" She asks clearly confused.

"That guy. Are you dating him?" I ask again this time looking clear into her hazel eyes.

"That is none of your business."She spits."But if you must know yes he is. Now you need to leave." She says and without another word she turns around and shuts her door.

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