Goodbye Sara

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Right now I'm sitting in the bathroom holding Sara's head in my lap. I'm crying so hard. I don't why she did this. did she really do this just because of Justin or is there something else.

I'm gently stroking her hair, while her lifeless body is still dripping blood.

Her left hand is still holding the now empty pill bottle. And the bloody razor lay on the tile floor. While blood drips from her right wrist.

I push the hair out of her face and look at her. Her eyes are closed. Well they are now. They weren't when I came in here.

I study her face. Her small plump pale lips, that use to be as bright as a strawberry. Her small button nose, that has a small scar from when we were little. And perfect eyebrows that she has never got done. Her perfect but now lifeless face.

I start crying even more as the memory comes flooding back into my head of how I found her. My screams. Her body. Her blood. My pills. My knife. Her body. Her blood. My bathroom. Her life. Her letter.


After saying goodbye to Michael. I watched him leave. After he was gone I touched my lips and I could still feel his lips on mine. The way he felt. The way his lips fit so perfectly with mine. They way his kisses never feel rough, sloppy, or rushed. Every kiss from him feels like he is savoring it. Like it will be the last kiss we ever have. Every kiss from him is filled with love. And passion.

I walk into the kitchen smiling to myself like a idiot. I grab a small glass cup and fill it with some orange juice and drink it. Then I rinse it out and fill it up again. Except I grab a ibuprofen and start walking upstairs. I'm pretty sure Sara might have a headache from all the crying.

I can't believe Justin did this to her. I love and always have loved Sara like a sister. So when he broke her heart. He broke mine too. I just hope I can make her feel better.

Tonight will be filled with movies, junk food, and tears.

But tomorrow I'm going to get Sara out the house. I want her not exactly to move on yet. Because I already know that isn't possible. But for her to forget about him. Just for a few hours.

I walk into my room to see the tv in but Sara not in the bed. I started to panic. But then quickly relaxed when I saw the bathroom light on and the door closed but not quite all the way.

I set down the cup of juice and place the pill next to it. I walk over to the bathroom and knock on the door slightly.

"Sara?" I called out. Hoping for her to respond in words instead of tears.

I waited a while. But I heard nothing. No whimpers. No sniffles. So toilet flushing. No water rushing. Just silence. Except from the tv playing.

"Sara?" I call out again.


"Sara I'm coming in now!" i say. I waited a few seconds then. Hoping she would have responded but sadly she didn't. Maybe she is just too depressed.

I opened the bathroom door all the way. And I immediately drop to my knees.

I was in complete shock. And horror. There laying on the cold bathroom floor. Was a lifeless Sara. Pale and laying in a pool of her own blood.

I laid her lifeless head on my lap. I started silently crying and stroking her hair. I look up from her body...and looked around the room, and there it lay. On the edge if the tub. A letter. The letter. And it had my name in it.

💭End of Flashback💭

I lay Sara's head on the floor gently and stand up. I wash her blood off my hands, and watch the now red water go down the drain.

I walk over to the tub and pick up the letter. I walk into the room and sit on the floor right in front of the bed. And I start to read the letter.

Dear Jelena,

I'm sorry for putting you through all this. I tried. I really did. But the pain was too much to bare! Everything hurt! My head hurts! My eyes hurt! My heart hurts! He broke me Jelena! He took my heart played with it and broke it. And once he broke it, he danced on the little pieces I had left. Turning those little pieces into dust. And with the snap of his fingers. He blew that dust away. I felt so empty. So lost. But most of all I was confused. I was confused on why he cheated on me. I was confused on why he didn't even try to deny it. And most of all I was confused on why he didn't fight for me! why didn't he fight for me Jelena! I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I thought he loved me. No! he played me again! I feel so stupid! and to be honest I couldn't stand that look of pity on your face every time you looked at. I know me having a broken heart isn't a good enough reason to kill my self. But Jelena he did something to me. Something terrible. And if you ask him I know he will tell you. Especially if you show him this. Ha it's funny how when we were younger we use to image our weddings. How my brides maids would wear purple and yours would wear blue. Now Jelena I don't want you to cry too much over me. I love you girl. I really do. You go on and live your life. Be happy with Michael. I love you. Sisters forever and always.

With great love,



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