Betrayal At The House On The Hill Part 4

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"Please come back, guys. Please...please be okay." I mumble.

"You know what?" Joey mutters to me.

"Screw it. We're going to the freakin' staircase." He pulls me out and we leave the safety of the fountain and sneaks into a nearby clump of bushes.

"Where are they?!?" I wanna yell, but I just mutter.

"Guys!" He yells, I lol at him alarmed.

"Guys, I'm in the backyard, where the hell are you?!?" He's screaming at this point.

"Get him!" Sarah screams.

"Arthur get them, your lady goes with him too." I nearly vomit. Do not call me "Arthur's Lady" wtf. However Arthur starts firing his pistol at us. The bullets whizz past our ears, and we barely make it to the poolhouse in time.

Once we're inside, Joey closes the door and locks it behind him, ignoring Marvin's fists against the door.

"Marvin?" calls Sarah.

"Come out," Marvin sneers.

"Come out and play!" He bags the door harder.

"Marvin!" And then, much to my relief, Marvin leaves, presumably to see what Sarah wants. Once he's gone, we sneak out of the poolhouse, hoping we're safe. As soon as we see a window open, an out-of-breath Eva and Oli appear in front of us.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Joey snaps.

"You're such stupid idiots! I ran out there, and you guys left me!" I cross my arms.

"Hey you had me." I yell In protest.

"Yes and I love you, but you idiots left me!" He's starts off calm then yells at them, this kids not ok.

"No!" Oli retorts. 

"We got cornered by her!" Oli yells.

"We tried," insists Eva.

"No, you didn't try! I've been out here for so long..." Joey exaggerates.  But me and Eva  shush them.

"Put your dick measuring contest to a halt please, we need to stick together!" I push them apart.

"Hurry up!" Joey exclaims.

"Let's go up the stairs!" We don't waste time.
We sneak up the spiral staircase. I'm tired of running. I'm tired of hiding. I just want to go home.

"Let's get up before they see us," Eva whimpers. Joey still won't drop the subject of their earlier separation.

"What were you guys doing?" He whispers. I flick his head, he groans.

"We got cornered," Oli explains in hushed tones.

"We got cut off."Eva continues. At the top of the staircase, we find a huge metal bust with an open compartment in its chest.

"Oh mother trucker," Joey mutters.

"What is this?" I ask.

"This is it," says Eva. Joey turns to her.

"Do you still have the thing?" He ask liek a 4 year old.  She retrieves it from her pocket.

"God, I would have done this by myself," Joey complains, "but you guys had it." Oli shakes his head. I'm really wishing that Joey would let it go, especially considering that we're still being hunted.

"Joey. I'm sorry. We got cut off from you." Oli explains yet again.

"Ok then.," is Joey's response. Meanwhile, below them, I can hear and see Marvin throws up his hands.

Escape the Night (S1): "It All Comes Crashing Down"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum