Did Someone Call For An Exorcist? Part 3

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same pov

"The first name drawn will assume the roll of the first exorcist, and the next name drawn will be the second exorcist." Oli continued.

"So two are leaving today, basically," is what Lele has to say about it.

"I watch a lot of scary movies." Matt says.

"I'll do an exorcism." He looks as though expecting cries of "Matt, no!" and so forth. Instead, what he gets is an "all right" from Tim, shrugs from Joey and Sierra, an "okay then" from Eva, and (of course) cheers from Lele, he gets a sad smile form me. Oli, especially, seems nonplussed. 

"Thanks for that, Matt. Anyone else wanna volunteer? Or are we doing a vote?"

We are doing a vote.

Arthur and Sarah stand next to the hat. Lele, Sierra, Eva, and Oli huddle together on the couch. And as Matt joins Joey and Tim, and I in the corner.

"Okay, you know what?" Tim shrugs looking at me directly. 

"We'll just all vote a different girl." he finishes, i go wide-eyed, shaking my head. Matt nods. 

"Okay. I'm down with that. They've been trying to get rid of the men this entire time." i look at all of them mouth agape. The are conversing as though i'm not there.

"Just that last time," mutters Joey, shifting uncomfortably in his shoes. So that's that, then. There's three girls, and three boys willing to vote for them, Oli's apparently sided with the girls for some reason, and he would probably vote me, Matt's going to go for Lele, because of course he is, so that leaves Eva and Sierra to choose from, Oli doesn't know me well, it would be easier for him, but he isn't here so, im safe for now, unless his group is throwing my name around.

Matt's already in, the group isn't gonna let him back down. He sacrificed himself. I have to admit, I didn't expect that kind of selflessness from Matt Haag of all people, but whatever. Unless Matt tries to back out. 

"Let's do it." 


Voting time.

Arthur turns to Matt and says 

"Matt, you volunteered yourself," but Matt stutters his way through a half-assed apology.

"Uh, I did, but...I feel like...I wasn't thinking clearly..."

"You can't do that!" Eva shouts, anger and disbelief piercing her voice. 

"You can't just do that!" Lele shakes her head. 

"I told you guys. He's so bipolar it's—"

I grab Matt's hand, holding it between my small hands.

"Matt." Arthur's the only one in the room who isn't glaring at him right now. 

"Would you like to volunteer the first name?" Ignoring his friends' scowls, Matt approaches the hat and takes the pencil from Arthur, dropping my hand in the process. 

Joey's turn, then Eva votes, and then it's Lele's turn.

She's voting for Matt.  She's not gonna rest until Matt is dead. But this time around, she stays quiet, scribbling out his name without her usual "Matt!" proclamation, maybe she didn't but i doubt it.

"Come on. Tell us" Joey's got a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes. Why should she? Matt, being the moron he is, takes it the wrong way. 

"Oh, a little bit of changing it up?" he sneers putting his arm around me as Lele returns to her seat. 

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