The Forest of Fuji

Start from the beginning

You looked to her and smiled a bit slightly at ease but still uneasy about all of this. Nothing here sat right with you.

"If the Lady shall accept you shall have a ten day handicap to train and prepare yourselves. Not to mention there is a mission SirZechs will be sending you on as well (Y/N)" said Grayfia. Rias nodded almost immediately agreeing to the terms.

"Very well I shall take the challenge and win my freedom and once I do, you shall never and I mean never approach me again, am I clear Riser" Rias said with venom in her voice.

"Very my dear, just know while your numbers may have increased by a few, Riser has a full house" as he said this a magic circle appeared teleporting in fifteen women who seemed to be Riser's peerage.

He had a full house, for certain Rias was outnumbered. No wonder the group was given a handicap, but ten days didn't seem to be enough. And not to mention you had to spend that time on mission else where. It angered you, but you can't exactly deny an order from your king.

"Fine then where am I exactly going to be going? Or better yet what the hell will I be doing?" You asked Grayfia once all was said and done. She looked to you and smiled.

"Well comrade you will be going to mount Fuji to claim a piece of the Brutus gear, to strength yourself" she said surprising you and everyone on the room, but you accepted. Asia seemed worried for you knowing you'd be alone.

"So I'm guessing I head out now? Or later on" you asked Grayfia nodded and made a magic circle.

"By his order you were to head out immediately, be warned the climb will be difficult, the mountain will test your sanity, your body, and your will to fight alone to make sure you are ready for this power." She said as you looked to it then to all in your group. You smiled then looked to the blonde cuddling your chest.

"Sorry Asia but orders are orders I gotta do this. But I'll be back before ya know it, and when I do we'll go out for a date and have a hell of a time!" You smiled at her and kissed her holding her close, she calmed down the longer you two were connected. Upon separation you smiled and took a breath mirroring Asia. She smiled happily and sighed.

"I guess I have to let you go... I'm not looking forward to being separated but I know you'll come back you always do" said Asia as she stared into your (E/C) eyes. You put your forehead to her's.

"I'll see you soon my love" you said with a huge smile then let her go slowly walking toward the magic circle.

"Hey Rias, in case I'm not back in time. Kick this bird brained ass into next fucking week so I can get a shot at him!" You shouted before running through the magic circle.

(Big warning this shit is about to get real dark if suicide isn't something you are good with I recommend skipping till the next bold warning cause mount fuji is home to the suicide forest if I'm not mistaken and please don't ask why I know why, answer being I watch alot of creepy shit I really shouldn't, but hell what can I say I'm a stickler for urban myths, legends, and creepy stuff. I'm like a Batman to myths and shit)

Day 1
1:56 PM

Once out you looked around seeing the entrance to a forest. You knew damn well what this place was. The dark aura radiating from the woods made your skin crawl. You looked back seeing a few abandoned cars shaking your head slowly.

"Never a good sign....poor people to think the world can be so cruel to push people this breaks the heart." You said then looked to the entrance seeing different ribbons leading in. You sighed and looked to the peak of Mount Fuji. You let out heavy sigh then looked back to the entrance slowly making your way in.

After walking for a few minutes and trying to follow the path you felt something within you crumble. Voices we're heard with your own mind. Your own voice echoed within them.

"Killer....murderer....failure....who gave you the wonder these grounds" said a demonized version of your own voice.

"No one did....there is something I just have to do and I'll be gone.." you said in response continuing to walk forward. You looked aside as a light rain began falling as you did you seen a noose hanging from the tree branches above. You shivered and looked away from it.

"A fate that shall befall you soon enough....not only have we fallen as an angel but now we are a devil! YOU BASTARD!! WE WERE PERFECTLY FINE TILL YOU GOT SOFT!!" said the voice again causing you to grit your teeth a bit. You balled your fists up then said in response.

"Yeah when we were a violent antisocial lonely prick who was ready to lose his shit at the drop of a pen" you said as you kept walking, finally the dark aura of the forest made an illusion in front of you of the darker you.

"We were feared! No one dared to challenge us, now we get this new power and power up but just because of some blonde little nun we drop our shit!" Said the dark (Y/N) glaring daggers into his counter part a.k.a you.

"That blonde little nun saved our shit.... falling in love with her was our redemption." You said walking past him as he returned to being a mist.

As you did you kept moving, as you kept walking along the path due to the rain the path had gotten very muddy and the terrain had become unstable so when you foot came down a small part of the hill you were climbing slid out and a mid slide brought you to a ditch off to the side. Once landed you opened your eyes slowly grunting in pain. Once open the aura created a dark illusion that made your eyes widen with terror and fear. You let out a loud fearful shriek.

All you could see was a noose holding a body, long blonde hair flowed from the head as you were met with lifeless green eyes staring back at you. Your screams reached to none but the dead surrounding you.

"Are you sure you wish to stay with her, or should I say them...this will be their fates if you continue" said a different voice, still a darker you but this one seemed to harbor sadness instead of anger.

After saying 'them' more of the nooses turned to hold your friends. You voice caught in your throat. You quickly shook your head and closed your eyes.

"This isn't real! It isn't! You're just fucking with my head! Leave me alone! Get out! Get out!" You shouted quickly getting up running away climbing the hill again but sprinting this time as to get away from this dark illusion.

(Ok so this is where y'all can stop skipping...shit it got dark in there but anywho yeah let's continue)


It had been a few hours since (Y/N) left for mount Fuji. Everyone who was a combatant was climbing the hill with a back pack. Issei was struggling alot he was thinking to himself that this was hell, then Kiba passed him with a slightly larger bag, and from there Koneko passed him with a bag that you'd expect to see a six foot five inch tall guy who is two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle to carry. Like Milton from one of Issei's first contracts.

When this happened he had fallen on his ass but eventually gotten back up to continue.

"I hope (Y/N) is ok... Mount Fuji is a dark place. I read up on it a little when we left it's forest it a terrible place, many people get lost and die or worse...I just don't want..." Asia began until Akeno placed a small hand on her shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Asia, (Y/N) is a strong boy I'm sure he'll be fine, he has a will of iron and is about as stubborn as a bull no offense." Said Akeno reassuring the young girl.

As all reached the top of the hill they layed eyes upon a nice house large enough to be considered a small mansion. Everyone looked to it in awe.

"Everyone go inside and rest for a moment, we begin training immediately." Rias said with a smile everyone nodded in agreement granted Hyoudo wanted to rest.

As everyone began their own training you were on a path that would mentally drain you.

While they trained you screamed and ran from fear of what you'd see.

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