T H I R T E E N : D A R K W O R L D

Start from the beginning

"Katarina," he beams my way, opening his arms up to me. Surprisingly I make my way over to him and let him wrap me up in a bear hug. As he holds me in his arms, I feel tears falling down my face.

He leans back and grabbing my face in his hands,  he gently wipes the tears away. Smiling, he puts me at arms length and gives me a once over.

"My goodness Katarina how you've grown. It's been so long. Twenty years?" he asks with a grin, his British accent deep.

"Yes," is all I can choke out. He nods his head and guides me to the barstool in front of the food. I take a seat as he sits in the stool next to me. I constantly keep my gaze on him—afraid if I look away he'll disappear.

I'm a bit star struck right now. All my life I've wanted to meet my father and here I am. I just wish the circumstances were different.

"Dad.." I begin and he puts a hand up to silence me and smiles as he points at the plate of food.

"Eat first. I've been expecting you and made sure to make your favorite," I give him a confused look and he chuckles.

"But we are—" I begin to explain. Wondering why food is so important right now.

"Dead? Yes I know this honey. But just because we're dead, doesn't mean we can't still enjoy the luxury of food before we pass on," he smiles at me while edging the dish closer to me.

I put a forkful of mac 'n' cheese in my mouth and my tastebuds tingle. It's amazing that even in death, food still taste mouth watering. I dig in to the food not realizing just how hungry I really am. Is it even possible to be this hungry in death?

He scoots the glass of sweet tea towards me and I take a few gulps before finishing off my meal. A meal my father made just for me.

Once I'm done I silently thank him with a smile and he sets the dishes aside as he turns to me.

"Now I understand why you're here. You want the truth for something," he searches my face. "I must say I don't agree with the method you took to ask me such a thing. This is very dangerous Katarina. Why didn't Dante stop you? Don't think I don't remember the promise that boy made me." He points a stern finger at me.

"I kind of went behind Dante's back and against his orders to do this," I blush. My father frowns down at me and shakes his head.

"Just like your mother, I swear." He runs his hand over the back of his head in aggravation. But when he looks at me again, he's got a huge smile on his face.

"Also you can't be mad at him Dad. He had his memories of me erased when he was little." My father looks at me in confusion and I quickly explain everything to him, all the way up to when Jason came into the picture.

"Jason huh?" he questions, deep in thought. "I haven't heard that name in a long time," he frowns.

So did he know? Did he really abandon Jason before he was even born?

"Did you really abandoned him Dad?" I ask in a small voice.

"Goodness no! I would never do something like that." he sighs deeply before continuing. "You see, when I was very young I was in a serious relationship with a fellow warlock, her name was Veronica. She was beautiful and bright for her age, however she was quite promiscuous—like most female warlocks. She couldn't stay faithful to me and before I knew it she was having one affair after another on me. The last one was when I had enough."

"She had claimed she was in love with the man and when she came up pregnant, she claimed it wasn't mine. That she no longer wanted a relationship with me—claiming I was boring and didn't want to commit to a future together. But how could I? I couldn't ever trust her."

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