21. I Found by Amber Run

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"I'll use you as a warning sign

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

And I'll use you as a focal point

So, I don't lose sight of what I want

And I've moved further than I thought I could

But I missed you more than I thought I would

And I'll use you as a warning sign

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind"


It was a strange feeling to wake up and see my family in front of me since the last thing that I remember is me dying in Daniel's cell while he held me. I don't even remember the reason as to why I was dying in his arms. My head aches as I wonder about this.

Mom is the nearest person beside me. she touches my hand and softly, really softly says "You're back with us"

I nod. "Where's..."

"he's in the other room receiving treatment and...some unwanted attention" it's Avery who says this. She still has that wild streak of color on her hair but now it's all different kinds of color than the usual of red and pink.

"What can you do? He's the only one who survived going mad and going back to normal again" Avoy bites on to the licorice on his hand. He looks grumpy and irritated which marred his handsome face. He harshly bites off of his licorice again. "Maybe we should take this chance and make him sleep forever"

"Avoy!" Mom chastises "He's your sisters mate and he saved her"

"She wouldn't be in this state in the first place, if it wasn't for her golden savior" He glares at the floor.

It makes me sad that Avoy is growing bitter since the last time I left him. I don't know why he's turning like this but me and Avery are trying to figure it out, but a part of me already knows whose fault it is. It can only be my fault.

I lick my lips. "Water, please"

Mom nods.

She gives me a glass of water and I take it with a grateful smile. My mind is trying to piece together the last thing I remember, but it feels like a blurry memory. I'm not exactly sure what happened and there are bits and pieces that I can't quite figure out. I remember the doctor and how she figured out how I was there and who I was. I remember her red lipstick smile that seems conniving that she tries to pass of as something innocent. I remember saying yes to something out of desperation and something hurting me, but other than that there was nothing else.

I hear someone enter the room while my family seems to be bickering amongst themselves. I look up and it was my twin with his mate. Endie and Lydia. I smile at him to which he just frowns at me in reply.

It stings a little but I don't exactly deserve his smiles right now. My whole family is mad except for Avery who knew what was happening. Well, everything until this. She's giving me a secretive look which I smile at as well to comfort her. There is a permanent knot between her eyebrows now which can only be my fault too.

Endie holds a bouquet of colorful flowers, but upside down. He doesn't seem to care that the flowers would be ruin if he held them like that. He's mad. The way he's holding his mate's hand and the way he's looking at me, makes that incredibly obvious.

"Everyone, can I have some privacy with her" Endie coldly says. His voice practically cut through the bickering within my family.

Mom frowns. "Honey, take it easy on her. She just woke up"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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