19. Itsumo by the Feeder

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19. Itsumo by the Feeder

Too many times I watched you leave

I didn't say anything

Too many lies inside that bleed

And now we're running out of time

Out of line, out of faith, out of reason

Some might say

I guess there's somewhere we can stay all night

So we can turn it all around


The only way Legend can sneak me in to his wing is at midnight when the warden is asleep and not overlooking from his office. The vampire guards stationed in front of each cells were convinced that I'm just another researcher for this wing.

I didn't know how to act as I see wolves in their feral state try to get to me. Legend has told me to act like they don't bother me as researchers were experts on ignoring the caged wolves. I wasn't used to them but I tried my best to stop myself from jolting or flinching when one of the wolves tried to jump at me through their bars.

We continued down the cell block. Every cell has large white monobloc numbers on the wall beside it, showing the assigned numbers. Daniel was reduced to a number now, no one would have thought he's a leader of one of the leading families of Europe.

Glancing to my right, I see the lined up vampires staring steely at the wolves assigned to them. They're wearing their gray guard uniforms with the same adjacent numbers on the wall by their chest. So many pale faces and pale eye colors on that side, I look away and see the feral wolves going crazy

So many werewolves with mates leaving them.

And mine is one of them.

Guilt hits me like a hammer but I look at Legend's back instead. Legend stops and steps to the side. He stands on an empty space for a guard and I notice the number on his chest matching the one in front of him.


I feel eyes staring holes in to my being. My heart skips a beat as I slowly meet the eyes of my feral mate. He was still beautiful. His regal wolf just sitting close to the bars of his cell as if he's been waiting for me to arrive.

I hold tighter on my clipboard. My nervous heart beating rapidly in my chest. My lips quivered while I take slow steps towards him. a hand grabs my upper arm, stopping me from going closer. Daniel snarls and starts barking. Territorial rage tearing through him

"He's never acted like this before" Legend whispers in my ear, low enough that the other vampires wouldn't hear. "Be careful"

I nod while he slowly lets go of my arm. I step away from Legend which makes Daniel calm down. I step towards him slowly, his eyes watching every move I make. I am conscious of the fact that the other vampires are watching me.

"They'll lose interest once they knew you're just doing boring observations" Legend says to me before coming in the wing of his building. "Just take your time"

I breathed in slowly and then out. Daniel's eyes still glaring holes in to my body. He's observing me, and trying to gauge out every part of me while breathing deeply. He lays down on his stomach, his large snout not able to go through between the bars.

Looking around, I see some guards looking at me and didn't avoid their eyes when I did. Breathing in, I just started sketching Daniel on the blank paper on my clipboard. I slowly sit on the dry floor which is normal protocol in this facility, to keep everything sterile dry and clean. I'm good at painting but not really at sketching. I'm able to get the main details about his wolf and I think that that is good enough.

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