16. Runaway by Sasha Sloan

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I just watched the season 2 of 13 reasons why and I am not spoiling anything but damn! I hate it ahahah my heart ached so much. 

Anyways, havent reread it yet and VOMMENT

"Strung out in the back of a black car

No keys, all I got is my credit cards

And I've been here a million times

Drive fast with the Beatles in the background

Tell 'em take the 101 out of this town

I was never one to say goodbye"

Third Point of View

The wind howled outside the stone walls. The waves angry and crashing through the stone and slowly inching and eating the stone away from under the institution. The vampire guards inside the institution glared at the anything that moved in the dark. Their eyes trained to never leave the cell they were assigned to watch.

Legend watches his new steed. He recognizes the man in the cell in front of him. how could he not when it is the son of his leader. Bergquist. Oh, how the name stroke fear in him and any vampire inside this whole building. He watches as the werewolf was pacing in his cell never staying in one place. His paws etching on the stone and pretty soon we'll get to the ground if he wanted to

He swallows the lump in his throat. This was Daniel Bergquist, the known vampire killer. He travelled as a child all around Europe with his uncle killing and maiming vampires that wouldn't bend to their cause. The cause of overthrowing the dominating werewolf council. He heard of rumors that his uncle would just throw vampires in his room while the young child shifts and eats the flesh of the poor victim.

Now here he was, deranged and mateless. And also, mature and bigger than he was. If this wolf escapes, then all of the vampire guards are sure to die a merciless death. He believed all those rumors and even though a lot of vampires in the Bergquist were against him ruling the family, they didn't voice out their opinions because they'll be killed, one way or the other, by him.

The wind howled even louder outside the granite stone walls. The storm picking up and making it impossible to fly by air. The waves were raging and throwing themselves to the cliffs, trying to reach the prison.

Legend likes the storm, but he can't relax because of this new inmate. This might be called an institution, but this was definitely a prison. He feels the sweat from the guard beside him. sweating because he is close to Daniel's cell. Everyone near him was nervous. The idea or thought of him escaping makes them tremble from where they stood. Legend tries not to let that affect him and just thought of anything else other than the monster in front of him.

Daniel lets out a howl, fully mad and more wolf rather than human. Legend tries not to tremble at the sight. His hands tightened on the electrocution staff on his hand. He was ready, he told himself. He can fight, and he was trained to do this. He was trained to keep the inmates in line and not to harm anyone else. Plus, Daniel can't get through the silver bars or the silver enlaced stones under him. it would make him truly a monster if Daniel can escape through those.

There was a loud buzz that made everyone's ear hurt. But being used to it, they just winced and looked up to the glass box of the warden. He was a large man with bulging muscles and scars that ran all over his body. The last time there was an escape here, it was him who wrestled the wolf down as if the wolf was nothing. The vampire warden, Micolas, stood with such brute aura that the sight of him comforted the nervous guards. He was their leader and if Daniel was here, there was Micolas who'll put him back to his cell if needed.

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