Bonus Chapter: The Painting

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*I don't know but I felt like making one of these for this story. Hope you like it J

Also no songs but a poem

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Bonus Chapter

In winter

all the singing is in

the tops of the trees

where the wind bird

with its white eyes

shoves and pushes

among the branches.

Like any of us

-Mary Oliver, White Eyes

A Usual Day in the Markoff Household

(Manhattan, New York)

Back when Amery is not pregnant and not a bitch

It was a very cold day as it tends to be when it's Dad's birthday. I let out a sigh of relief when the new machine that awfully looks like a dialysis stopped. My session was done, and I am free from this stupid machine that latches on to my ports or what Endie calls "socket" while the machine is the "Charger"

I'm the dead phone that it's trying to revive.

Letting out a groan of pain, I slowly detach my ports on the machine. This new medswere grueling and incredibly taxing on my stupid body. I feel better not going through this at all.

"You'll feel better if you waited for someone to do that for you"

I look at the source of the familiar voice and noticed that his once long hair is not close to his scalp. I furrow my brows "What the hell is that, Endie?"

He ignores me, he pushes me gently back on the recliner chair and did the ports himself. "The charger is doing its job" he starts tapping the touch screen, which I can barely see. My eyes were starting to cloud, a side effect apparently. "You should do yours and keep laying down"

"You look like a fuckboy" I blink my eyes, "Even with the side effect, I can see how cocky and douchie your hair looks"

I can see—well, feel the smirk on his face. "It's the style"

"to announce that you're a man whore? I doubt it, and here I thought New York was a place for classy people"

"Would you stop it with my hair?" he rolls his eyes, playfully. I hear his low chuckle while he rolls the machine away to the corner of the room. I try tucking my ports back under my shirt, but he swats my cold hands away and does it himself.

"if you wear something over it, I would" I feel the heat of his touch on my clavicle and for a moment it felt like heaven. The coldness of my body is another side effect of the machine, to be totally honest, I think the machine has more side effects than actually good outcomes.

"I'll think about it but for now" I feel his arms go under the back of my knees and back. He easily lifts me to the wheelchair just on the side of my recliner. "Just stay still"

"Way ahead of—"

"What the hell are you doing here, Avoy?" Endie growls while standing in front of me, blocking me from the 11-year-old devil. If he is here, then the other two isn't that too far off.

"I wanna see, Sissy" I hear his adorable small voice filter in the private room of our house. The only part of the house that the triplets are not allowed to enter for obvious reasons.

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