17. The Best You Had by Nina Nesbitt

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"Does she ever feel like me?

Run her fingers down your back

Do you ever talk about us?

Or is it just the bad times we had?

'Cause baby it's been three weeks and I'm going out my mind

How does she taste, is it sweeter than mine was?

I've been using bodies just to get me through the night

Is it the same, huh?"

I only had clearance to patients C and D for contact. These are the vampires and werewolves that are close to losing themselves. D are those still in human forms but the fight with their wolves and instincts were a losing one. C are those with permanent black eyes now as it means their human sides have receded.

I took my clipboard and in front of me was Marcus Sloan. A bulletproof glass separates the two of us and protecting me from any of his outbursts. He's a vampire whose wife died after giving birth. He tries and wants to battle his instincts to be with his son, but he was losing. There were werewolf guards behind him.

The inmates are assigned with opposite beings. For a better chance of survival since the vampire and werewolf anatomy are made to protect against each other being natural enemies after all. Marcus' head hung low on where he sat. his blonde hair matted and looks unkept. His pale skin filled with scratches and blood. I know he has been feeding on his own blood instead of the blood packets given to him.

I sit down and smile at him. he doesn't look up, but I still smiled "Hello, it's nice to see you again Marcus" I've been seeing him for four sessions now. I tap on the bulletproof glass which should make a sound that would bother his sensitive hearing, but he doesn't move "I'm here for you"

I hear his breathing but nothing else. Last time we met, I was able to get a growl but now it seems he is too unresponsive. I pull out a picture of his late wife, a pretty vampire with blue eyes and red hair. I slide it through the small opening of the glass. "Do you miss her, Marcus?" I say, he looks up a bit and sees the photo.

His lips quivered and his fangs that was always extracted pierced his lower lip. Blood dripping from his mouth. He starts crying a bit at the sight of her. "I... do" he whispers, barely audible.

I nod "How old did she die?"

His neck snaps to me with a glare and he hisses. "She's not dead!"

"How old was she?" I prodded but softer this time.

Something just made him slump back in to his seat and stare at the photo. Tears continue streaming down his face. "25, the best years of anyone's life"

"was she able to meet your son?"

"Yes... she said he was beautiful before she..." he suddenly bit his own lips and sucked. It was unhealthy for vampires to drink from their own bodies. It was completely lethal for their mental health.

"please stop doing that, do you think Vladimir would like to see you like that?" I whisper, my hand itching to press the red button beside me so the guards would take hold of his arms and avoid him from biting himself by putting a gag on him but then he wouldn't be able to talk.

He scowls "I don't want to see the murderer"

"but when you admitted yourself in this institution you said you'd want to be a better father for Vlad"

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