Chapter 8: A Litleo Training

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"Thank you for singing up

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"Thank you for singing up. The tournament will start at 2:40. Please head towards the seating area. Also please hand over your Holo Casters so that our drones can use them to record the battles. You will get them back if you lose or win." The receptionist said as she pointed to the row of bleachers for the battlers, where ten Trainers were currently sitting at, laughing and talking. "Thank you." Serena said as she and Light walked over there and sat down after handing over their Holo Casters. Light pulled out a notebook and started writing in it.

"Light, I don't think this is the time to start writing." Serena said to her friend. "Of course it is. Especially when I am just writing down how the Pokerus can have pros and cons to how I train my team. And I am looking through their weakness that we need to still overcome." Light said to her with a sly yet knowing smirk. "Oh, you re-adjusting training to fit Pokerus." Serena realized from the smirk. "Yeah. I am. I surprise you forgotten that Pokerus might affect how training our Pokemon might be from now on." Light said as he show her the notes he made.

Serena saw the notes and was surprised that Light even noticed what were holding his Pokemon back so that they could overcome that hurdle if they want to become the best.(And help Light trust Pokemon again. Also reminder that Light is the only person that understands Pokemon unless they're Psychic-Types or have telepathy, then anyone can understand them.) "So, what tricks do you have for the tournament?" Serena asked Light before a person came in front of them with a arrogant smirk and a desire to make Light's life miserable.

It was Dark. "Man, I knew you were a hypocrite before when I saw that video about your battle with Shauna and others! But I would have never expected you to broadcast it to the world that you lied about your 'Pokemon trust problems' like that!" Dark said as he pointed an accusing finger in Light's face. "You know as well as Serena and I do that I do have trust problems with Pokemon, Dark. They are just helping me get over that. A genius could see that a mile away or did some of your brain cells die? Maybe that why you didn't have the highest G.P.A or even the second highest." Light snapped while shutting the notebook and standing up, getting in Dark's face.

Serena also stood up and put herself between them. "Alright guys, break it up!" She said angrily, scaring them.(Yes, even Dark Kuragari is no match to the power of the female's anger unleashed.) "We are not in school anymore so if you guys are going to fight, do it in a Pokemon battle because I am done with breaking up your fights if all you two do is fight! And Dark, stop calling Light a hypocrite or I'll make sure that you'll wish YOU'VE have stayed in Kanto! Got it?!" Serena said with fire(metaphorical of course.) behind her. "Y-yes ma'am." Light and Dark said meekly as they were terrified of they had unleashed. "Good, now leave us alone Dark." Serena said a bit too sweetly. "B-but hypocrite... I mean he is a hypocrite." Dark tried protesting meekly only to run off while sweating after seeing the death glare on Serena's face. "This isn't the last you heard of me, Light! I will make you miserable during this tournament!" Dark said as he ran off.

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