"I love you more."


"Come on," Jungkook sang, dragging me to the lingerie store when I clearly said that I was a man and had to stay outside to avoid embarrassment.

"I hate you," I hissed, glaring at him while walking inside where a few other women were whispering to each other with their eyes set on us. What would people say when they know that Jungkook was going shopping for lingerie with another unknown girl? What the heck was he thinking?

"Don't worry too much, I purposely came here to avoid news spreading out since this place is at the outskirts of the city. Trust me, these people don't even know me," he whispered before walking over to the lacy underwear section. "Come on, choose something."

"Um, where do you think you're going?"

Ignoring my words, he searched the lingeries before taking out a very revealing, red colored one and showing it to me with an excited smile. "This is cute."

"Absolutely not," I boomed, crossing my arms.

His lower lip protruded a little before he searched again and pulled out a black one that was way more revealing, the bra's cups were lacy with many holes, making heat rush up to my cheeks.

I marched over to him, snatching it away. "Stop with these weird see-through underwear, that's my body!"

"Well then, choose something," he urged again with his lips quivering, suppressing a grin, and stepped backwards.

This time, I walked over to the silk underwear section to search for something decent, unlike Jungkook, and grabbed a plain black colored set that was my size before showing it to him.

"Eh, but I wanted something cuter," he sighed, eyeing the set with disappointment before pointing at one of those alluring lingeries with a playful smile. "Like that."

"I said stop trying to put on some weird stuff on my body! Those are my boobs and butt, so wear something I want or perish, perv," I snapped, wanting to leave the place as quick as possible as the level of embarrassment I felt was incomprehensible.

The other customers who were mainly women in their forties looked at me weirdly, and I just wanted to dig a hole and bury myself.

Jungkook sighed softly before agreeing to my decision.

We bought the set and practically ran out of the store, getting inside his car and heading back home since it was already getting late. The sky was already painted black with a few stars twinkling here and there, the city fallen quieter but the street lights were shining brighter than ever, adding liveliness to the glum atmosphere.

"Why were you giving me such a hard time back there? Were you playing with me or what?" I asked out of exasperation as I gripped the wheels, driving back to the apartment.

"Well... I just... wanted to add something pretty to your clothes collection, that's all," he whispered, facing the front with a guilty expression.

"But they were so revealing! It's embarrassing." I was getting flustered and insecure again, and that was being reflected in my voice. I pursed my lips when he turned his head my way.

"It's not embarrassing at all. Your body is already beautiful, wearing something like that wouldn't hurt..."

Is period messing with his head now?

I tried to keep my eyes on the road, resisting the urge to look into his eyes that were fixed on my face.

"Why do you think my body is beautiful? You've never seen it..."

"I don't need to see it. I'm already living inside it so I can feel it. And I don't think it's beautiful, I know it's beautiful. Every inch of it."

I tried not to get affected by his words, but it didn't go as I wanted. The heat around my cheeks intensified and started spreading to my ears and neck.

The silence between us was not helping me hide the loud beating of my heart.

"You're busy all day tomorrow, right?"

I immediately nodded.

"Don't work too hard, Y/N, okay?"

With a chuckle, I took a quick glance at him.

"No promises."

He shook his head with a suppressed grin.

"I knew your stubborn ass would say that."

A/N: Another update 🤪

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