Chapter 7 (pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

“I know.”  We get to his house quickly and he races out of the car to open my door for me.

“I can do that by myself, knight.” He helps me up and gives me a look.

“Knight?” I nod.

“Yes. Knight.” He smirks.

“You’re so weird.” He says, tugging on my hand. I notice he holds my bag in his other hand. I gape at him, resisting to move. He looks back at me and laughs. God, I love that sound so much. “I still like you, you freak.” I punch his arm and he laughs, tugging at my hand again. I laugh with him as we enter his house.

“I love this place. It’s so beautiful.”  Beautiful is an understatement. He grins and closes the door.

“I’m glad you like it, sweet girl.” He grabs my hand and leads me through the mansion he owns for a home.

“Oh, I’m not a freak anymore?” He chuckles.

“Guess we’ll find out eventually, now won’t we.” My cheeks heat and I am grateful he is not looking at me at the moment.

“God, I am so freaking hungry! Let’s just go out and buy some tacos.” Nova whines.

“Tito is cooking dinner. Calm down, Nova.” Ava’s exasperated voice deadpans.

“But I want tacos.” We finally reach the kitchen and I laugh at Nova’s puppy dog face and Ava’s determined-not-to-cave face. They look up at us and then at our intertwined fingers simultaneously. They grin, also simultaneously.

“I’m cooking, son. What is all this nonsense about tacos?” Nova shakes his head.

“Nothing, nothing at all. Baby, I’m glad you got over yourself.” I stick my tongue out at Nova. Ava looks relieved, but she doesn’t speak. She seems to be taking everything in.

“I hope it’s no problem I’m here. Is it weird seeing too much of your teacher?” They shake their heads.

“Hell no, Baby. We like having you here…too much.” Ava smiles. Nova agrees.

“Can I freshen up somewhere, Ian?” I’m still wearing my tank top and tights…and sweat.

“Ava, show her to a restroom. I’ll start dinner. Don’t be long, baby.” He kisses he cheek and joins Nova, who wears the shark grin behind the kitchen island. Ava nods me to walk with her. I do.

“Are you guys together?” She asks eagerly.

“I…don’t worry about us, okay? I don’t want you guys to get an idea and be disappointed.” She nods. We walk up the stairs in silence.

“You can use my room.” She leads me to it and we walk in. It’s just as beautiful as I thought it would be. The walls are white. The one in the middle had a huge, black tree drawn on it, with very long, beautiful branches that reach the other two walls.  Leaves of all colors fall from the branches. Her huge bed is in front of the tree. The room has a desk with a giant monitor and there are seats and cushions all over the floor.  

“It’s gorgeous.” She smiles and nods.

“Thanks. That door is the bathroom. Don’t be coy, take a shower if you like, Baby. The towel is on the counter.” She gestures to the door in the wall to our left.  “I’ll leave you to it.” I nod my gratitude and go in. I take a quick shower, feeling a little embarrassed and quickly run my hands through my wet hair. I dry it as much as I can with the towel and walk out. I wear shorts and a loose, off-the-shoulder top. I make my way downstairs, only getting lost once. I get to the kitchen, smiling when I find Ian shirtless, stirring something on a pan. He has a tattoo on the spot between his shoulder blades. It’s small, but awfully detailed. The face of an angry wolf. I move behind him and put my hands on his hips, enjoying how his flexing muscles feel as I move them to hug him. He hums.

“You all set, sweet girl?” I tip toe and kiss the spot between his shoulder blades.

“Yes.” He turns around and looks down at me with heat in his eyes. His hands grab my waist and place me on top of the kitchen island’s lower counter. He smirks down at me as he walks between my legs and takes my lips with his. Our kiss is slow, worshiping. Out tongues caress each other ever so gently it could’ve been my imagination. His hands move from my thighs to my hips and stay there, igniting a fire in me only he can put out.

“Whoa, there.” Nova’s voice makes me break the kiss and hide my face in Ian’s neck. My body shakes with silent laughter.  “I didn’t expect it and I don’t mind the PDA, but I am starved! FEED YOUR CHILDREN!” We both laugh, still against each other. I look up at Nova, who is extremely pleased with himself, and nod.

“I apologize. I distracted him.” He waves a dismissing hand.

“Baby, distract him all you want. He’s never had a distraction so good before. Just please…feed the children. That’s all I ask. FEED THE CHILDREN!” He yells dramatically before walking away.

“Oh God.” I hug my middle as I laugh. Ian looks down at me as he chuckles. “Go on, Knight. You must feed the children.” He kisses my forehead and turns around to keep working.

“That smells heavenly.” I sigh. He looks over his shoulder, flashing me a very sexy dimple.

“Wait ‘till you get a taste.” He rasps. My face heats.

“Did you call Mike?” I ask after a moment of silence.

“I did. He said he was on his way over. He should be getting here any second now.” I nods, even though he can’t see me. “Just don’t do that…don’t apologize for something I did. I will lose my shit, sweetheart. Okay?” I nod again and slap myself. He can’t see you, idiot.

“Mhm.” I hum. He turns around and steps between my legs again. I look up to meet his eyes.

“I can’t stand it to know I hurt you and I don’t know what to do with this.” I shake my head.

“With what?” He places one of my hands on his heart, covering it with both of his.

“With this.” His heart is beating wildly. “How can you do that to me? How can you affect me so much?” I down at my hand, then back at him. I do the same thing he did to me. His wide eyes stare at our hands on my chest.

“You’re not the only feeling it…” Our eyes lock. “I don’t know what the hell you did to me, Knight. After you stepped into that bathroom, I can’t stay away.” His hands move and grab my face, tilting it back as he moves his body flush against mine.

“You don’t ever have to, sweet girl. Never.” His lips find mine. He groans as I deepen the kiss, giving him the access he needs easily. His hands grip my hair, almost painfully as his tongue explores my mouth. “Have you ever been kissed like this?” I wrap my legs and arms around him. He bites my lip, hard. I moan.  “Answer me.” He says, nibbling on the stop he bit.

“No. Never.” I gasp and he kisses me again. He is more demanding this time, harsher.

“Only I can kiss you, Violet. You are for me only as I am for you.” I moan in approval and bit his lip the way he did mine. “Say it.”

“I’m yours.” I gasp between kisses. “You’re mine.” He growls. “Only you can kiss me.” He does it again, forcefully.

“Damn right!” His hands pull my hips against his excitement and I throw my head back. He takes full advantage and his mouth sucks on the skin there making a groan spill from my mouth. His hips grind against me. “Those sounds you make…Jesus Christ.” He bites and pucks his way up to my mouth to take it again. We kiss, claw at each other and tug at each other’s clothes for so long I feel like I am on fire.

“I was promised dinner, not live porn.” We both jump at the sound of Mike’s voice and bump our heads.

“Fuck!” Ian curses between chuckles.

“Ouch.” I laugh with him. Face as red as a beet, I look at Mike. His face is slightly bruised on one side. The side sports a slightly black eye. He shouldn’t look the way he does. He grins wide, his green eyes twinkling with mischief.

“I was warned not to come over here…” Mike says. “But I have to say…I don’t regret it.” 

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