Chapter Twenty

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"Shh, you don't want nobody to hear us," said Shawn.

"I can't, I can't," said Beyonce.

"Bey, just get the damn bottle," said Shawn.

"It's too high, I can't reach it. I told you you should've let me get the stepping stool," said Beyonce.

"You the one that said the stepping stool was buried in a closet right across from your grandma's room. That would definitely make too much noise and I don't want her knowing we about to drink all her liquor," said Shawn.

Beyonce rolled her eyes, "Okay I have an idea. Put me down and let's get a ladder from the garage."

"No we ain't getting no damn ladder. I'm gonna lift you up so you can stand on top of the fridge, I'll be right behind you in case you fall," said Shawn.

"Ugh! Okay. Just let me know before you start to lift me," said Beyonce. 

"Aight. On three. One.. Two.. Three," he said in an exasperated voice as he lifted Beyonce up above his head and onto the refrigerator. 

Apparently Grandma Agnez didn't play any games with her liquor stash so she kept it way above anything else and used a four foot stepping stool to get it herself. Beyonce and Shawn had thought of just going to a bar, but it was already one in the morning and they didn't want to have to worry about driving or calling an Uber. Hence, Plan B, retrieve the liquor as quietly as they could themselves. Shawn successfully lifted her onto the refrigerator. 

"Okay, well that was so much harder than it had to be. Let's see what she has," said Beyonce as she opened the cabinet. 

"I hope it ain't no cheap shit," Shawn muttered. 

"Well okaaaay Grandma, Hennessee is clearly your favorite. Baby, we getting lit tonight," said Beyonce. 

"Fuck yeah, aight, grab a bottle and pull all the other ones forward so it don't look like we took one. We'll have to grab one while we're out tomorrow to replace the one we taking," he said.

Beyonce did as he said and then lowered the bottle down to him so he could grab it. She then lowered herself as he held onto her waist so that she didn't fall too fast and hurt herself. They both then quietly crept up the stairs back into their room.

"Oh shit, we didn't get cups," said Beyonce. 

"Fuck it, we'll drink it from the bottle," Shawn said as he proceeded to open it. 

Beyonce shrugged and waited for him to finish his sip. 

"Cheers baby," she said before she took a lil chug herself. 

"You wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure," she said as she laid back on the bed. 

"Aight, we got Scarface, American Gangster, Blow-

"Negro, why are the only options tailored specifically for you?"

"What you mean? These are highly educational films. Everybody could learn something," he said. 

"Uhh no. None of those. We gotta pick something we both like. Howwww about an action film? Those usually have a lil' bit of everything included," she said. 

"I'm down. What we got," he asked before he took another sip of the Hennessee. 

"Sooo, we have Bad Boys one and two, The Fast and the Furious, Rush Hour-

"Rush Hour is my shit, let's watch that," he said.

"Rush Hour it is," she said as she put it on. 

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