Chapter Eighteen

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"Shawn, get up!"

Beyoncé woke up very excited because today her and Shawn would be flying to Houston with her mom to visit some family that they hadn't seen in a while. Shawn was passed out because he hadn't gotten home until five in the morning and it was now only eight. He was out dealing with some Dame related things with Emory. Beyoncé knew what he was doing and she wasn't necessarily pleased, but he assured her that this wasn't about to become a reoccurring thing. She felt bad waking him up, but he knew that they had to be up at this time in order to catch their flight.

"Baby, I know you're tired, but you have to wake up," she said as she went over to his side of the bed.

Shawn started to stir a little and slowly opened his eyes. He frowned at the instant exhaustion he felt. It was too damn early for all of this.

"What time is it?"

"It is 8:05 and we have to be out of the house by 8:30," said Beyoncé.

He signed and covered his face with his fore arm. Thankfully Beyoncé had packed for both of them, so all he had to do was get up and brush his teeth and put an airport fit on.

"You packed my tooth brush?"

Beyoncé was walking around the room just getting last minute things together, "No because I know you need to use it. I kept a sweatsuit and some sneakers out for you too. I don't know if I heard you shower when you got home, but I laid out a clean pair of underwear too."

Shawn nodded his head, "Yeah I showered, but I ain't put no draws on to sleep, so I need those."

"Perfect, well get up please."

"I'm getting up, give me a minute," he said.

"I'm going to make a shake in the kitchen, when I'm done can you please be ready? My mom doesn't play games when it comes to traveling, so I'm not gonna get in trouble with her because you don't wanna listen," she said as she walked out of the room.

Shawn could only shake his head at her. He waited a few more moments before he finally got out of bed. He made his way into the bathroom and stared at his tired reflection in the mirror. Last night him and Emory were up all night, surrounded by some of his old crew members. They all came together to plot on how to efficiently get rid of the Dame issue. Shawn had came a long way and wasn't trying to kill anybody, and he didn't want his people taking a life either. He knew there had to be someway to make Dame go away. The part of him that grew up with Dame wanted better for him. He low key wished he could help him find a way out, just like he did. The new Damon was stubborn though. The new Damon thought that money and respect in the streets was going to grant him all of his wishes. Shawn had told his crew that he thought Dame had something to do with setting him up, and someone mentioned doing the same thing to Dame. Maybe a little time in prison would straighten him out like it did Shawn. Shawn was skeptical of that idea though. He didn't want to be an active member of that life again, and setting Damon up would take time and energy. He had promised Beyoncé that this wasn't going to be a normal thing, and he wanted to stick by that promise.

He was excited to be traveling to her home town. She was beyond excited to be going, and he knew that she needed this trip. He was hoping that these few days away would give both of them some time to relax. It seemed as if life had been moving at a million miles per hour lately, so he was looking forward to spending some quality time with his woman and her family.

He turned the water faucet on and proceeded to rinse his face and brush his teeth. Once he was done he turned the water off and grabbed a towel to dry his face. After he was done he made his way into the bedroom to put on the outfit Beyoncé laid out for him.  He put some all white air forces on and grabbed his wallet. Making his way into the kitchen he saw Beyoncé speaking to someone on the phone.

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