Chapter Seven

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She leaned into kiss his lips and whispered, "I love you."

Shawn pulled back from the kiss and looked at her shocked. He didn't know if it was the fresh off sex emotions or if she genuinely meant it.

" me?"

Beyoncé stared into his eyes and replied, "Yes, I do," she paused gathering her words, "You are... the most amazing man I have ever met. My ex... he uh- he really fucked me up mentally and I had somehow managed to convince myself that I wasn't worthy of being loved. I was so depressed, I convinced myself I wasn't worthy of a real relationship, not worthy of being a wife or a mother. I convinced myself that I was damaged and tarnished... And then I met you, and you didn't even know it, but everyday when I would come to work I would see you and you would make me smile and laugh and forget all about the fact that I would go home and hate my life. You gave me the courage to leave that relationship and it is the best thing that has ever happened to me because you are the most important person in my life now. You make me feel so special. I know it's only been a short while since we've been together, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. You make me feel safe and like I can tell you any and everything about me. I love you."

Shawn smiled and grabbed her face to give her a passionate kiss. He pulled back, still holding her face in his hands and said, "I love you too."

Beyoncé's heart was racing because she wasn't sure how he was going to respond to everything she was saying. She was so happy that they felt the same way about each other.

"I love you because of your character. I love you because of your heart. I love you because of the way you love others. I love you because you never judged me, even when being locked up. I love you because you saw potential in me, when nobody else did. I love you because you're so fucking beautiful, on the inside and out. I love you because you love me. I love you too Beyoncé," Shawn said.

At this point, Beyoncé had tears streaming down her face. She had never had someone be so vulnerable with her, and she loved that it was Shawn. In this moment, she was so excited for the future, to take on life with him by her side.

"Don't cry baby," Shawn muttered as he wiped her tears away.

"I love you," she whispered again.
"I love you too," he replied.

After laying for a few more minutes, they decided to get in the shower where they engaged in another round of sex. When they got out they decided to go see Shawn's mother where they would tell her they were in a relationship.

"Baby! Is this okay to wear?"

Shawn walked into the bedroom to a half naked Beyoncé standing in the mirror holding up a dress to her body.

"Baby that's fine, why you stressing so much? You could wear anything and she would love you," Shawn told her.

Beyoncé scoffed.

"Thank you for trying to make me feel better, but you know damn well if I showed up to your mama's house wearing a hoochie dress, she would judge me," said Beyoncé with a raised eyebrow.

Shawn broke out laughing. Beyoncé was in a whole mood because she was nervous to meet Shawn's mother in person and let her know about their relationship. At first Shawn was nervous too, but after this morning and the conversation they had, he relaxed. He knew his mother would love Beyoncé because he loved Beyoncé.

"Okay maybe no hoochie dresses, but I'm being foreal baby. You got nothing to worry about. Put the dress on, put some lil' sandals on to go with it and let's go meet my mama," Shawn said as he walked up to her and held her hips from behind.

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