Chapter 19: Tesla Vs Dayve

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"This is a tale of humans, beasts, and beings from other worlds. A tale of a girl who wants to surpass the strongest; no this is their tale. A tale of hope. A tale of Flaming Light."

Tesla dashes off against Dayve and throws a swift high kick at his head but Dayve is quick to evade by bending his head backwards and stepping back also.

"You've dodging a lot lately. Could it be you're still recovering after having fought Gerrar and Erraz?" Tesla asks.

Dayve smiles a bit and replies, "You've always been quite the witty one, Tesla. However, make no mistake, I have enough to take you on even at this moment."

In an instant, he appears in front of Tesla and launches a powerful punch with his right fist. Tesla manages to block the attack but is pushed back by the force of the punch, tumbling backwards. She however, uses her hands to lift herself mid-air during the tumbling and quickly, with her right hand, forms a ball of wind which she sends against Dayve but he avoids it by moving to his right.

As Tesla lands, a burst of energy explodes from her, causing the ground to quake tremendously. The air around the elevated fighting platform becomes quite heavy. Tesla is now cloaked in silver lightning, her hair begins flowing upwards with silver lightning sparks around it. Her eyes also glow with lightning sparks emanating from them as well.

"Luckily I was able to save some of the energy from the lightning pill I took in during the battle against Kevine. And now, after recalling that saved up energy, I have been able to supercharge myself. Now, I can unleash that weapon," Tesla thinks to herself.

Dayve stares at her and thinks to himself, "So, she supercharged herself. She was smart enough not to exhaust herself in the battle against Kevine and recall it. Tesla's abilities are quite top notch, never disappointing. I wonder what surprise she has in store."

Tesla facing Dayve, says, "I have nothing against you Dayve, well except for the fact that you hurt Gerrar and I'm going to have you pay for that. However, you are a person I somewhat admire. Your skills, your composure and your intelligence, it's amazing I must say but you're also someone I must overcome. Defeating you in this tournament, has been one of goals ever since you joined Glory Academy."

Dayve smiles and replies, "Exactly what I wanted to say about you Tesla. You're witty, powerful, beautiful at that however, Tesla, I have no intention of losing to you here."

"I won't waste anymore time, here I come," Tesla says, putting her right leg forward.

"Silver Storm: Cloud of Hermes."

A silvery cloud having silver colored lightning sparking under it, forms below her feet and in a powerful boom, she zooms towards Dayve. In a flash, she appears in front of Dayve and throws a silver lightning induced uppercut against him. Dayve is quick to evade the attack however due to the immense speed of the attack, it cuts off some piece of hair from Dayve and the lightning from the punch is sent towards the sky.

Dayve uses his right foot to sweep Tesla off the ground but Tesla swiftly flips back to dodge, puts her hand on the ground while flipping back, spins, releasing her hands from the ground and uses her right foot to kick the left side of Dayve's face but he blocks the kick with his left hand. Without hesitation, she thrusts her left foot against his chest but he blocks it with his right palm and using the palm as support, she pushes herself backwards, high into the air. She directs right palm at Dayve, forms a big ball of water, about three feet (3ft) in diameter and unleashes a water based attack at him.

"Water Style: Rapid bursts!!!"

Immediately, the ball of water fragments into smaller balls and begin firing at Dayve at high speed. Dayve responds with a fire attack,

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