Chapter 25: Prelude to chaos 5

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Previously on Flaming Light... Phoenix is in another dimension battling it out against Neutro and two demon kings, Mephisto and Nocte alongside Luxxi handling Spada, another demon king. Axion is about to launch an assault against Dayve, Tesla and Erraz. Meanwhile, Serena and Dia are up against a rank C demon, Alsalasil as Kiiara hurries towards them.

"This is a tale of humans, beasts, and beings from other worlds. A tale of sacrifice, chaos and hope. A tale of a girl who wants to surpass the strongest but at what cost? No, this is their tale. A tale of Flaming Light."

Serena and Dia are struggling to survive Alsalasil's barrage of chain attacks. Dia manages to create a curved diamond wall to shield herself and Serena from Alsalasil and the other low tier demon beasts.

Alsalasil laughs. "Do you really think your weak pseudo-diamond wall will stop me??!"

She proceeds to direct her barrage of chain piercing attacks to a single point on the diamond wall, causing the wall to crack at that point. One of the chains with a spear head passes through and moves straight to pierce Serena.

Serena is in shock, unable to move due to the poison injected in her, as she watches the spearheaded chain approach her with immense speed. Suddenly, the area starts to heat up and there is a loud booming sound. Kiiara instantly appears in front of Serena, holding the incoming spearheaded chain with her fiery right hand and stops the chain's movement.

"Huh!" Serena is surprised, not just by the sudden appearance of Kiiara but also by the increased power level that she senses in her.

"What exactly happened?" Serena ponders, looking at Kiiara's back, her bright hot flaming right hand and left wing, with her eyes wide open.

"This power has a similar feeling to the one I felt during the tournament," she adds.

Kiiara tilts her head a bit, looks over her shoulder to Serena and smiles. She strengthens the grip of her fist on the chain, engulfing it in fire and instantly incinerating it, leaving no trace of it.

"Unbelievable," Dia says as the wall of diamond crumbles into dust particles revealing Alsalasil and the other low tier demons. Kiiara turns to face Alsalasil, pulls out a card with her left hand and tosses it to the front of Serena and Dia. The card releases rays of light that form a cube around Serena and Dia.

"Heed my call and come forth: Use of Barrier: Cube of restoration fused with Inverse Combustion Cube," Kiiara chants and begins to approach Alsalasil. Still smiling, she adds, "You two just sit and relax. This will be over in a minute."

Serena wears a confident smile and replies, "Alright Kii-Kii, I'll let you rescue me just this once." She says this sitting on the ground with her arms folded and her legs as well just like a yoga pose.

As she confidently steps towards Alsalasil, her facial expression quickly transitions from a smile to a cold intense glare. Kiiara halts and lets out a deep sigh. Instantly, two D-rank low tier demons launch an attack at her with their fists but Kiiara stops one of them using her right palm without moving the rest of her body. She twists and slams the demon into the other incoming one and quickly follows up with a powerful right jab thrusting into the belly of the demon. A golden flaming insignia appears round her fiery right arm and zooms from her shoulder to her fists to the surface of the belly of the demon, setting both of the D-rank low tier demons ablaze.

"Fire release: Bomber fist!"

"BOOM!!!" Straight away, an explosion occurs and once the dust settles, the demons are nowhere to be seen.

Alsalasil is astonished. "There it happens again just like she did with the chain. She did not just burn them rather she completely obliterated them from existence. Not even their ashes are anywhere to be found."

Alsalasil lets out a raging shout and summons over a hundred small portals behind her. Swiftly, chains with sharp tips spring out of the portals, heading for Kiiara however, Kiiara moves so fast that she instantly closes the gap between herself and Alsalasil. Kiiara proceeds to launch a fist punch against Alsalasil who notices and steps to the side to dodge the attack. Quickly, Kiiara turns and attempts to kick Alsalasil at the temple area of the head but one of Alsalasil's chains moves to block the kick. Anticipating this, Kiiara redirects her kick and lands a heavy hit on Alsalasil's right shoulder.

"Ugh!" Alsalasil screams as she gets hit. "Even her regular kick is so heavy," she adds.

Without giving her any chance to recover, Kiiara swiftly moves her leg and lands another hit on Alsalasil's jaw that lifts Alsalasil from the ground. Kiiara quickly grabs her by the neck and takes flight into the sky ascending to about 2500 feet (two thousand five hundred feet).

Alsalasil scoffs as Kiiara stops and she says, "What are you going to do now?! Kill me?! My kind are already here in your world and we are unstoppable. Once 'they' are fully unsealed, you filthy weak humans will become what you were always meant to be for us."

Kiiara pauses and replies, "They? Who are you referring to? And What we were always meant to be?"

Alsalasil smirks and responds, "Of course, being food and entertainment for the demonkind. Your impending doom and despair is inevitable."

While they are talking, the chains of Alsalasil are also moving very quickly towards Kiiara from the ground level.

Kiiara lets out a sigh and says, "I see. It does sound like a war of cataclysmic proportions is brewing. Such a shame that your death at this point is 'inevitable'." Kiiara turns while in the sky, still holding Alsalasil by the neck and tosses her further into sky to about a height of 4000 feet (four thousand feet) from the ground level. Kiiara directs her flaming hand at Alsalasil, pointing her index and middle finger at her making a gesture like one who is trying to indicate shooting a pistol gun. The entire flames on her hand all converge at her two fingertips creating a ball of fire. Kiiara flicks her hand and instantly shoots the ball of fire at Alsalasil.

"Fire release: jet bullet!"

The attack moves swiftly in a straight line with supersonic speed and slams into Alsalasil causing a mighty explosion. The explosion lasts for a few seconds as Alsalasil is completely incinerated leaving no ashes behind. Her chains which are heading for Kiiara instantly vanish from the area following her death.

Kiiara lands back on the ground and starts panting as the flames on her hand and the flaming wings slowly fade away.

"Ugh, is this how long I can currently last in that state? I wonder if I can enter that state instantly again or how long I have to wait to use it?" Kiiara ponders.

The inverse combustion cube dissipates and Serena and Dia rush to Kiiara.

"Thank you Kii-Kii," Serena says with a smile. "You really did it this time. I had no idea you were this strong."

Dia smiles as well and says, "that combustion cube not only healed us but also restored our energy. Thanks a lot Kiiara."

Suddenly, they all hear a clap and a deep menacing voice follows, "that was quite the show you put up there. Oh how delightful it is to watch the growth of the young ones. Having said that, Kiiara Falcon or rather should I say the embodiment of destruction, you and I need to have a little chat."

Kiiara, Serena and Dia look up and are shocked by who they see, the king of Darkville, Darius Black with two others standing beside him.

Kiiara, Serena and Dia look up and are shocked by who they see, the king of Darkville, Darius Black with two others standing beside him

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