Chapter 3: Little confrontations

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"Wow!!! What an electrifying first round!!! A spectacular way to start the Glory games!!!" The commentators scream through their microphones.

"Now, time for a short break before the second event," he adds.

All the participants that have passed the first round gather together in a small building of two storeys, at point B.

"Kii Kii you passed," Serena says, congratulating Kiiara.

"Yup yup. You too, Serena," Kiiara replies.

"Of course," Serena says, as they give each other a high five.

"I'm a little surprised though Kiiara, nice one all the same," Dia says. She is standing beside Serena as they all meet in the hallway.

"Nice, you all made it," Dubnet says, clapping, as he walks towards the girls.

"Don't be so happy Falcon twins," a female voice says.

"Huh?" Serena and Kiiara turns to find out who it is. It is Alayna.

"Thank your stars that we're not allowed to fight in here if not you'd be minced meat by now," she says.

"Hoo, so you too can be afraid of authorities," Serena replies.

"Didn't know someone like you also had common sense," Kiiara says, complementing Serena's statement.

"What did you say?!" Alayna becomes furious. Purple bubbles start forming, slowly, around her.

"I'm going to kill you," she threatens.

"They said no fighting, stupid," a strong male voice speaks up.

Alayna, after hearing the voice, shivers, hisses and turns away.

"Kiiara!!! Long time!!!" A female voice says aloud. The male voice belongs to Damian and the female voice is his sister who is walking beside him.

"May!!!" Kiiara replies with a loud voice, as the two hug each other.

"Hey Damian," Kiiara says, extending her greetings to him.

"Hey Kiiara," he replies with a wave of his hand.

Serena stares at him for a while and he stares back. He puts his hands in pocket, saying,

"This is where I leave you sis."

He begins walking away when Serena says,

"See you in the final, Damian."

"Hmph!!!" He replies.

"I'm not the one you should be bothered with for now Serena," he says, smiling, as he walks away to chat a little with Dubnet.

"Hey that was a good fight back there," a female voice says. Serena feels a tap on her shoulder with the rest wondering when the female got there.

Damian is through with his chat with Dubnet; as he walks away, he pauses and turns the side of his face a bit.

"You," Serena says, facing the girl whose hand is on her shoulder.

It is the girl with two ponytails that attacked Serena on her way to point A1.

"Get your hands off me!" calmly but fiercely, Serena says.

The girl smiles and steps back some distance from Serena.

"Fine! You have peaked my interest. I have decided to go at you with full force when next we battle," she says.

"Peaked your interest?" Serena sarcastically asks.

"You were nothing but a grain of dust to me back there and you're here talking big," she adds.

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