Chapter 2: Let the games begin!

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The ground starts to vibrate immensely, and in the direction where the other students are running in, huge thick walls emerge from the ground and begin to form a maze. This formation stretches as far point A1 and this distance is comparable to the size of a big town.

The other students are caught unawares by the sprouting of huge thick walls from the ground on all sides. Some lose their balance in the process, this is also due to the mighty tremors being generated by the release of the technique. Some are unexpectedly lifted by the huge thick walls, causing them to lose balance and fall, hurting themselves. Some of the sharp ones, however, are able to escape such.

As Serena runs ahead, noticing what is going on, she quickly prepares herself. A huge wall suddenly appears before her, she quickly switches and begins to run up, vertically, on the wall till she gets to the top.

"Hmph! Cheap tricks," she says to herself, smiling at her achievement. She starts running from the top, where she can easily see the path.

On another end, as Kiiara runs ahead, she turns back and sees the formation of the huge thick walls as it approaches her. She turns forward and continues her run.

"Eagle Eyes." Immediately, her bright blue eyes turn gold in color, glowing radiantly.

After this happens, her vision extends, causing her to see farther than normal and as she sees ahead, she memorizes it. This is because, as the huge walls are formed, they block some paths, creating a maze so if one does not know what is ahead, one is likely to go the wrong way or fall into a trap; by seeing ahead and memorizing it, Kiiara can easily find her way even in the maze.

As for Dia, she just runs through the wall.

" of the perks of being able to use earth element and more importantly, learning that earth passage technique," she thinks to herself.

"Wow!!! As expected from the genius himself, Damian Ignition. Such display of elemental prowess, creating such a large maze, the size of big town, within a few minutes. Incredible!!!" the announcer exclaims.

The crowd give a loud and vibrant cheer upon seeing Damian's technique.

"And just look at the way some are handling the situation. We can already see the sheep from the lions," the announcer adds, laughing.

"As expected from your son, Gray," Phoenix says, turning his face to Gray who is sitting next to him though their seats are separated by a large space. Gray maintains his silence not paying any attention to Phoenix. Gray has long dark smooth silky hair, onyx colored eyes and a fair skin. For this occasion, he is dressed in a long white jacket with an indigo colored shirt on the inside, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black boots with grey designs. He is usually calm with a serious expression on his face.

Back to the participants, a good number of them make their way to the top of the walls and run from there to avoid the confusion of the maze.

"Is this all there was to this?" some say with pride.

"Like that's all there is," Damian says to himself, wearing a large grin on his face as he quietly enjoys his walk through the maze.

As some of the participants run, the walls begin shifting positions unexpectedly, making the participants lose balance and fall off while those running on ground level hit the walls and hurt them themselves due to the sudden shift. Those that are running at the top of a wall facing forward, suddenly see the wall turn left. This makes them come to a sudden halt and eventually fall off the wall. Serena is also thrown off balance by the sudden random wall shift when the wall she is running on immediately turns to face right. However, she does a front flip while in the air and lands on her feet with her left knee bent down a little.

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