Chapter 9-10: Battle Royale Tournament: Prodigious Displays

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"That was quite something," Dubnet says, watching the battle of Kiiara, Sienna and Serena.

"Well, guess mine is next," he adds and walks out of the watching room with his hands in his pocket, having two swords strapped to his waist (one on each side).

"An astounding victory and display from the little genius, Serena Falcon!!!" the commentators declare.

"And to our next match, we have Group B: Dubnet Vs Artemis Vs Buffy. What sort of thrills awaits us in this battle, we shall see," they add.

As Serena walks back into the participants' waiting room, her path and Dubnet's cross, along the long passage leading to the fighting arena.

"You don't look so happy," Dubnet calmly says, with his unbothered face, while Serena is still some distance away.

"Humph!!" she sighs and remains silent as she reaches him.

When they cross each other, they exchange high-fives and continue to walk in opposite directions.

"Well done," Dubnet says, exchanging the high-five.

Serena smiles, remains silent and some distance after passing Dubnet, she stops and says,

"Cous, you're quite smart and strong, this should be an easy victory for you if you're really serious."

"Of course, if even it's a hassle, I don't intend to," Dubnet says, smiles a little and continues walking to the fighting arena.

"Ho Ho, seems it's my win this time," Diana laughs at Phoenix, covering her mouth with her left palm.

"Tch!! Well, I propose another contestant for this bet. Let us both choose another person but this time, the bet will be on who wins the tournament itself. Our previous choices still stand which means you have a higher chance at victory seeing as one of your choice, Serena, is still in the tournament and one of mine, Kiiara, is out," Phoenix proposes.

"Hmm, interesting. Alright I accept," Diana replies.

"I go with Dubnet," She quickly proclaims.

"There you go again, making such quick decisions. Well, this time, I'll go with...Dayve," Phoenix says.

"Ho ho, this should be quite intriguing," Diana comments, smiling.

"By the way, we should go see Kiiara after this match. She should have recovered by then," Diana suggests.

"Sure," Phoenix replies.

Marcus and Lilian sit there, looking at Phoenix and Diana in a weird way, wondering how they could easily and playfully bet on their daughters and other Lightville participants.

"My my, don't forget Gerrar is still there. I bet he'll shock you both and come out victorious," Lilian speaks up.

"Ah, big sis, so you want to join the bet eh?" Diana replies, looking at Lilian.

"Fine then, let's do this," she adds. Marcus lets out a tired sigh and Phoenix chuckles.

Back at the fighting platform...

"Good! Now that you are all here, shall we begin?" Echelone says, addressing Dubnet, Artemis and Buffy, who are gathered at the centre of the platform.

"Alright then, let the battle begin!!!" he shouts, taps his sword with the tip on the ground and jumps backwards to his tall chair just outside the fighting platform.

The three are dressed in the long sleeve navy blue jacket and pair of trousers, given to all participants except that Buffy's jacket is sleeveless while Dubnet folded the sleeves of his.

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