Chapter 18: Incoming Threat

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Serena displayed excellent and surprising prowess unleashing a great level of power, as she defeated Maka Dusa. Meanwhile, unknown to those at Glory Academy, a great threat ensues from the southern border of the Central Plains as Axion and Jergens invade the kingdom but are currently on halt having encountered the General of the ninth division and his vice, Anya.

"This is a tale of humans, beasts, and beings from other worlds. A tale of a girl who wants to surpass the strongest; no this is their tale. A tale of hope. A tale of Flaming Light."

Axion stands before the general, keeping a straight face, as the wind sweeps across the battlefield. Quickly, some of the soldiers advance, charging towards Axion with swords in their hands.

Suddenly, a black streak flashes as Axion appears right in front of the general to cut him but the general swiftly draws one of his swords and blocks the attack while the heads of the soldiers that charged forward are rolling in the air with blood spewing from them. The bodies of the soldiers fall to the ground as Axion and the general clash.

"Leave him to me!!!" The general yells. The other soldiers behind him quickly move a great distance backwards.

"I must say, you're quite a skilled one," the general says. He takes hold of the handle of his other sword and swiftly draws it, launching a slash assault against Axion. Axion makes a quick side step, evading the attack but the general follows up as he spins and uses his sword to attack Axion's back. However, Axion without turning back, blocks the attack his sword. The general turns around the handle of his other sword and tries to stab Axion from the front but he quickly kicks the side of the sword using it to push himself backwards.

Meanwhile, Anya is standing in front of Jergens ready to battle however, they both get distracted, watching the battle between Axion and the general.

Anya is perplexed at Axion and how he is able to keep up with the general. "He looks so young yet he's already at this level," she mutters.

"Surprising isn't it? A young chap like him can keep with a General," Jergens comments.

Back at the battle, the general and Axion are both moving at high speed, clashing swords with powerful shockwaves being discharged from each clash. They soon come to a pause, standing some meters between them.

"So young and vibrant, you remind me of a certain friend in our young days too. With your sword skills, it would have been nice to have you in Central Plains, however, for your crimes, your punishment is death," the general states as he advances towards Axion and begins rotating.

A large pillar of wind swirling high into the sky is generated from the rotation. The general steps out and is now behind the pillar. He raises one of his swords vertically, pointing it at the sky and says,

"Wind Blade Skill: Pillar of the Twisting Tempest."

He swings his sword downwards, sending the pillar against Axion. Axion glares at the incoming attack without saying a word, he exhales and swings one of his short swords vertically. A mighty force is unleashed which instantly splits the general's wind pillar, and the two separate halves cause a considerable amount of destruction on both sides of Axion nonetheless Axion stands unfazed.

This shocks Anya, the other soldiers and the general himself.

"He stopped the general's blade skill attack?! One of the high level ones at that!" Anya states. "This brat, who in the world is he that he's capable of going toe to toe against a general."

Jergens smiles and says to himself, "Intriguing, I never thought he'd be this strong. With just a swing of his sword, he disposed of that technique. Now I see why now Jac de Jac requested for him as per the orders of Neutrogena. "

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