Chapter 4: A Little Alliance

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"Now then, Shall we begin?!"

Immediately, all the teams rush towards the huge mountain as they begin the race to capture the flag. The five colors in use are: Red, Blue, Gold, Silver and Ash. Each of these color classes have letters A to H assigned to them making forty teams altogether therefore forty flags also. Kiiara, May and Erraz belong to team Blue A; Dubnet, Kalium and Dia belong to team Red C; Serena, Tesla and Kevine belong to team Silver A and so on. While the teams rush, Kiiara's team just stands and observes.

"So are we moving or what?" Erraz asks to break the silence between the team members.

"Of course, we are," May answers.

"Everyone's rushing to climb the mountain, however we don't have time for that. We have to hurry, get our flag and capture another," Kiiara says.

"We know already," Erraz replies but is interrupted by Kiiara before he can complete his sentence.

"That's why I'm going to fly us all to the top," Kiiara continues.

"Huh? How?" May is surprised.

"Stay still and hold tight," Kiiara instructs.

She raises her left foot and steps it forward, forcefully on the ground.

"Flame release: Dynamic style: Flame falcon."

Instantly, fire emanates from beneath her feet, spreads to that of May and Erraz who are on opposite ends of Kiiara respectively and forms a huge falcon.

"Interesting skill you have here Kiiara," Erraz comments.

"Why didn't you use in the first stage?" he inquires.

"Well I can't maintain it for long and it consumes a lot of elemental energy," she answers.

"Let's go," she adds as the falcon took flight.

The flame falcon flying really fast, passes those at the bottom and mid-section of the mountain in an instant.

"Hoo, Kiiara isn't slacking I see," Serena says as she climbs the mountain with her teammates.

"And we shouldn't too," Tesla says.

"Gather round," she says to her teammates.

Putting her hands on the ground, she says,

"Silver Storm: Cloud of Hermes."

A silvery cloud having silver colored lightning sparking under it, forms below her feet and those of Serena and Kevine.

"Wow," Kevine comments.

"Here we go," Tesla says and they zoom off with high speed on the silvery cloud.

Some of the other participants also make use of their elements to enable faster and better movement while climbing the mountain.

"Everyone's really going at it, huh," Dubnet lazily says, observing the 'battleground'.

"Yeah and we better hurry before our flag gets stolen," Dia replies as they climb the mountain with speed.

"We won't catch up to them at this rate," Kalium complains lightly.

"Well, at least some are still below us," Dubnet replies.

"We still have a chance," he adds.

However, right there on the mountain, not too far off, is Dubnet's team's flag. Dubnet is quick to sight it.

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