Chapter 6: Battle with the teachers: A display of wits and power

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Simultaneously at Deva's battleground...

Tesla and the other participants are standing, facing Deva as the warm afternoon breeze sweeps across the battlefield, flowing along with their hair and clothes.

"Surely, you know you don't stand a chance against me," Deva boasts, staring at the young ones with his squinty eyes.

He is still standing in his initial position and has not moved an inch since the battle started.

"Tch!! This damn squinty eyes teacher," Kevine complains in his thoughts.

"Alright. Enough of this, I think I have a plan," Tesla says.

"Everyone, come close," she suggests and they all move closer to each other as Deva just watches.

"Arsey, you are skilled in weapons summoning right?" she asks.

"Yeah," Arsey answers.

"Good, and you, Dia, you're skilled in both diamond and earth release, right?" she asks again.

"Sure," Dia answers.

"Alright then. Buffy you'll use your werewolf transformation, then you and I will rush to attack Deva. Once we move, Kevine you'll have to struggle to suppress Deva's psychic push with yours, for a brief moment while Dia will immediately setup a strong diamond wall. Once she does this, the rest of you will run behind that wall; by this time, I and Buffy should be attacking Deva. Our attacks will most likely not connect, so when we are pushed back by his psychic force. Dia will open up a path in her diamond wall and Kalium will send his lightning tornado attack against Deva. As this happens, Arsey and Dia, you'll know what to also do at that moment, then I'll round it up," Tesla explains.

"For this plan to fully work, it must be followed with accurate timing and precise attacks. Do we understand?" she adds.

"Sure," they all respond.

"How in the world does she have a good knowledge of each of our abilities and how to utilize them?" Kevine thinks to himself in amazement.

"She's really smart and witty," Dia thinks to herself also amazed at Tesla's plan.

"Good. Now let's do this!!!" she yells.

"Here they come, finally," Deva says, smiling.

Buffy has with short full white hair covering her right eye, very fair skin, deep blue eyes, three earrings with different piercing on each ear and black colored nails. Arsey has medium length red hair, with only the left side braided, red eyes, light brown skin, wearing a black face cap and is taller than most of the girls on the battlefield.

After a brief moment of stare between Deva and the students, Tesla and Buffy make a quick run to attack him with the former on the right side and the latter on the left side.

Deva immediately releases a powerful psychic force from his hand like he has been previously doing.

"Silver Storm: Cloud of Hermes."

Before the attack gets to Tesla, she quickly uses her technique and moves further to her right till she is out of the range of the attack.

"Beast style: Wolf transformation."

Buffy also evades by using her technique in which, her legs transform to that of big grey wolf and her hands too and her hair becoming fuller. She moves further to her left tills she is out of the range of the attack.

While this happens, Kevine immediately uses his psychic force to counter Deva's but the force is too strong; it keeps pushing Kevine back as he struggles to suppress.

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