Chapter 9

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Jeshua's P.O.V

All that I saw was blood when she hit the water.

"Valeria!" I shouted, but I knew it was no use, I ran down to where she was.

"I need help, Matt call an ambulance!" I ran to find Valeria's body in the river, she was unconscious and she was bleeding from the side of her head.

"What happened to her!" Johanna cried, she had tears running down her cheeks.

"She jumped from the waterfall and hit her head" I said, I felt the salty tears on my mouth and that's when I notice I was crying too.

"Matt hurry up please" Johanna said, she sat next to me and removed the hair that had fallen in Valeria's angelical face.

Anthony came running with nana behind him with Justin in her hands.

"What happened?" He asked, looking directly at my eyes. His eyes were getting watery, Anthony doesn't cry, but when it comes to his kids his a softy. "She hit a rock when she jumped from the waterfall" She said, putting her head on her husband's shoulder. 

"God" He said, rubbing her back softly. "Come on Vally, you got to stay with me" I rubbed her cheek carefully, her pulse wasn't as strong as it should be.

"Okay, they are on their way" Matt said, sitting next to me and taking his sister on his arm.

"God Vale, why do you have to do stupid stuff sometimes?" His eyes got watery.

"Please step aside, we need to take her" A paramedic said to Matt, they took her carefully into the stretcher.

"Who's riding with us?" Another paramedic asked. I wanted to say me, but I knew her parents would want to go with her.

"You go Jeshua"Johanna said, surprising me. "No you go, you're her mother" I said. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we got to go shes losing too much blood" The paramedic said again, they already had Valeria on the ambulance.

"Go" Johanna shoved me to the ambulance.

We arrived to the hospital in no time and they rushed Valeria to the ER. They left us in the waiting room.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked me, I should be asking him that question; he looked like hell, his eyes were puffy and his hair messy, probably from all the time he ran his hand through it from nerves.

"As good as I can be" And I wasn't lying, I'm wasn't going  to say I'm was fine because honestly I'm not. I might not show it on the outside, but in the inside I'm freaking out.

"She's going to be okay, Valeria is a tough girl" He said, but I could tell he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince me.

"Where's your mom?" I asked, noticing she was nowhere to be found.

"With dad buying coffee" He said, he sat on the floor close to the door that just minutes ago they had rushed Valeria into. I sat next to him.

We were waiting for thirty minutes now when the doctor came out, we all rushed to our feet.

"How's is she, doctor?" Johanna asked. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your daughter hit her head too hard, what has caused her to have a brain damage. She's in come right now, and we don't know when she might wake up" The doctor said, and in the moment I felt like my whole world had stopped, coma?  no she can't be.

I ran, I ran out of there; I couldn't listen to him anymore. My best friend can't be in a coma, she just can't. I ran to the place we would always go, our place. I sat at the edge of the ocean, yeah, our place was the beach. It doesn't matter what beach, it just has to be a beach. I've been coming to Orlando for a long time, so I knew by heart where the beaches were here.

My phone started to ring Johanna's name flashing on the screen, but I declined the call, right now I need to be alone.

Johanna's P.O.V

"He doesn't answer" I tried calling Jeshua for the seventh time, but still no answer. I'm really worried about him, he ran out of here really upset.

"He'll be okay sweetie, he's just upset right now" My husband said, counseling me.

"What if his hurt?" I asked him, my eyes were clouding with tears. "I'm sure his not" He said, hugging me.

I still can't believe my baby girl is in coma, we still couldn't see her. The doctor said he would tell us when we could go see her because right now they were running some test on her.

"You can go in if you want" The doctor said, coming towards us. We nodded and followed him into her room.

When I saw her my heart broke, she was connect to an IV and some other machine that I didn't even knew the name of. She had a bandage wrap around her head.

"Oh God" I said, after I came out of my shock, that's when it hit me, my baby girl was really in a coma.

"Shh" Anthony cooed me, rubbing my back gently, but I couldn't stop my tears. They just wouldn't stop, and I don't think they will for a while.

"I-I need some air" Matt rushed out of the room, his eyes were red. Oh, my poor baby.

"I'll go after him" Anthony said, letting me go to follow our son.

I sat next to Valeria, and took her hand in mine, it was warm. I was setting there alone for ten minutes when Jeshua came rushing through the door, but stop when he saw her.

He gasped, and his eyes got watery once again. I stood up and went to hug him. He broke down in my arms, I could hear his loud sobs.

"Let it out baby" I said, rubbing his back in comfort. "I shouldn't have let her jump" he said between sobs. "It wasn't your fault sweetheart" I said, now crying too.

"But why does it feel like it is?" He asked, looking straight at my eyes, his eyes were swollen and red.

"I don't know baby, but just know it wasn't your fault" Why would he think it was his fault? I know Jeshua would never do something to hurt her.

"I just wish it was me in the bed instead of her" He said looking at her, his bottom lip trembling.

"I wish nobody was in the bed" I said, sitting down next to Valeria's bed.

Jeshua sat on the other side of her and took her hand on his. I decided to leave him alone with her.

I went outside and found Matt sitting down on the floor with his head on his knees, his shoulder were shaking. I could hear him sobbing, too.

"Hey baby" I said, sitting next to him. He raised his head to look at me; his eyes were red and puffy.

"Is she going to be okay?" He asked, his voice low. "I don't know baby" My eyes got watery again, I just wished I could tell him yes, that she was going to be okay, but I would be lying to him and to myself.

"Where's your dad?" I asked him when I saw I couldn't find Anthony in the room.

"He went outside to call nana Eli" He answered. "Okay" We just sat there in silence.

Jeshua's P.O.V

It hurts me to see her like this, with all this machines attached to her. She had a tube coming out of her mouth to help her breath. When Anthony called me and told me we could see her I came as fast as I could, but I wasn't expecting to see her like this, I wasn't ready for this. I wanted to come and see her awake, but how could I be so stupid. She's in a fucking coma!

"Please don't leave me" I whispered, how I wish she could hear me.


There goes another chapter, yay two updates in a week.

Well what you guys think? I know what happened to Valeria was tragic, I felt really bad writing it.

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picture to the side is of the Jonson family --->


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