Chapter 44

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"You told me not to cry when you were gone, but the feeling's too overwhelming, it's much too strong. can I lay by your side? Next to you, you and make sure your Alright. I'll take care of you and I don't want be here if I can't be with you tonight. " -Sam Smith (Lay Me down)

Song of the chapter, I feel like it goes perfectly with this chapter. What you guys think?


Jeshua's P.O.V. ( Same day in the morning )

I went inside the school looking for my beautiful girlfriend, I stood by her locker where I knew she would come before she went to class. I was still waiting until Jenner came out of nowhere and planted herself in front of me.

"Can I help you?"- I asked, annoyed, what do I have to do to get rid of this chick?

"I just wanted to say hi,"- she said, smiling. I can't stand her.

"I would really appreciate if you'd leave,"- I was about to move away from her when she pulled me down and kissed me furiously.

"Jeshua?"- Oh f*ck. I pulled away aggressively, I turned around to find Valeria with her eyes full of tears.

Oh no.

"Valeria, this is not what it seems. I swear baby, she kissed me!"- I tried to grab her arm but she jerked away.

"Don't you dare touch me!"- the next thing I know I'm being slapped by her. I turned my head and looked away from her, and when I looked back she was already running away.

I was going to run after her when Jenner pulled my arm.

"Let her go, she's very pathetic."- she said laughing.

"Don't touch me! God, don't you f*cking get a hint. I don't want or neither like you, in the contrary, I can't stand you!"- I yelled, I saw hurt crossed her eyes for a brief second before she covered with a smirk.

"You know you want me, Jeshua, everyone does."- she said smiling deviously.

"You're so full of sh!t,"- I said, before I took off after her, my princess.

But I was too late, she was already gone. I couldn't see what way she went.

I ran to my car and got in, I was going to find her!

I drove around but still not sign of her, until I saw her, she was at the park, but she wasn't alone. She was with a guy!

I felt my blood boil with rage, who that f*ck is this guy?! Why was he talking to my girl?

My heart tightened when I saw her tear tainted face, it felt like my world was trembling down. It was all my fault, I did that. For being so stupid, for being so carefree. I should've known Jenner had a melodious plan.

"F*ck!"- I hit the steering wheel with pure anger. I felt my eyes sting with unshaded tears.

A lighting broke me out of my trance, I saw how she jumped in surprise. She's scared of them. I saw the guy laughed and she gave him her famous annoyed look, she always gave me that look when I laughed at her.

They got up and walked to the slides, and then I saw the guy pick up a little girl and spun her around. He carried her and started walking, Valeria following.

Where are they going?

They walked to a red car and got in. Where the hell is this dude taking my girl?!

I took my phone and dialed her number, how I suspected. No answer.

I let a loud sigh out, I decided to follow them. They shortly stop in front of her house, I felt like getting out of the car and punch that dude, but that would just make me look worst in front of her. God, I feel so helpless!

She got out of the car and walked to her house, I was going to follow, but felt like I shouldn't. I called again, but again no answer. I felt my heart hardened in my chest.

I drove to my house, I was in no mood to go back to school. When I got home, I went directly to my room. I threw my bag on the floor. I started pacing around mad, my eyes watering.

"F*ck!"- I punched the wall, making a hole in  it. I busted my hand, but right now physical pain was better than what I was feeling inside.

I felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest in a very painful way, I fell on my knees to the floor.

"It wasn't my fault, I didn't kiss her."- I whispered, my voice cracked at the end. My eyes letting my tears free, I felt like the biggest asshole in the world.

I hurt the most important person in my life, and some way I felt like I was losing her. Like there was something pulling her away from me, from my tight hold.

I sighed and got up, I lay on my bed, I held myself. I just stared at the ceiling, my tears still pouring freely.

It was 2 when I called her back, and it didn't go to voicemail like I expected. I felt my heart fill with joy, but to have it broken when I heard it wasn't her.

"You're lucky I haven't found you and kill you,"- I heard how angry she sound it. Syd could be very dangerous when she was mad.

"Syd, I didn't do anything I swear. She kissed me, you have to believe me. Please Syd."- I said pleadingly, my voice raspy from all the crying.

"I don't believe you, just stay away from her,"- she said. How could I stay from the only thing that kept me alive, that kept me breathing.

"No, you know you can't do that. Please tell her to forgive me, I didn't do it!"- I yelled in desperation.

"No, just stop. Go have fun with your little whore!"- she yelled hanging up.

I stared at my phone in disbelief, no, she can't expect me to stay away from her.

I will fight for her even if is the last thing I do, I'll fight for what's mine.


Yay! New chapter (:

Jeshua'a P.O.V (; I wanted for you guys to see his side of the story, I kinda feel bad for him. :( don't you?

Song of the chapter on the top, I'm seriously obsessed with this song, and I felt like it would go with the chapter. (:

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I love every single one of you, thanks so much for the support and love. Like seriously I'm so grateful for my Wattpad family, *bear hug* !

Until next chapter (: byeee!

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