Chapter 5

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Valeria's P.O.V

I was woken up by someone yelling that the house was on fire. I jumped from the bed but what I wasn't expecting was to land on water instead of a hard floor. When I realized what was happening I got so mad, when I swam to the surface I heard Jeshua laughing. I'm was so going to kill him!

"Jeshua William Rodrigues, I'm going to kill you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"James this is where we run for our lives." Jeshua said before running. I got out of the water and started running behind them.

I might have short legs but I could run really fast.

"To the door!" Jeshua shouted. I kept following them but stopped couple of blocks before the park. I didn't really liked the way people were looking at me. I walked to the house to wait for Jeshua. I was waiting behind the door for ten minutes when I heard the door click open.

"You bastard!" I said, jumping in Jeshua's back, he cried in surprise.

"What are you doing?" He asked trying to pull me from his back.

"You know damn right what I'm doing, why would you put me in the pool, Jeshua?" I asked jumping from his back to look him straight in the eyes.

"Because you put makeup on me, and this was my payback" He said simply.

"But-but ugh, I hate you sometimes" I couldn't really say anything because I kind of knew something like this would happen.

"Yea, I heard that before" He said before walking to the kitchen.

I went to his room to get change, when I took all my clothes off I heard the door open.

"Hey Vale-" He stopped talking when he saw me there naked.

"Jeshua haven't you hear of knocking?" I said putting the towel around my body.

"I- um I should go" He said, before walking out the door and before he left I saw his cheeks turn bright red.

Oh my, that was so embarrassing. It kinda happened before but I at least I had panties and bra on. I was complete naked for god sakes!

I finished putting my clothes on before walking downstairs to find Jeshua watching TV.

"So about what happened upstairs" I said lowering my head and blushing.

"Umm, yeah. I'm sorry, I should have knocked" He said blushing. "Umjum" I murmured, this was so awkward.

"It won't happen again" He said before turning to watch the TV again.

"Yeah." I said before walking to the kitchen to get something to eat.

I made myself a PB&J sandwich and poured myself some apple juice. I walked to the living room and set beside Jeshua.

"Hey, can you take me home later on?" I asked him before bitting into my sandwich.

"Yeah." He responded. Ok, this was awkward and it needed to stop.

"Why are you so distant?" I asked him, he looked at me before looking at the TV again.

"I know what happened upstairs was awkward, but can you not act like that, please" I pleaded. I didn't want my best friend to act distant with me.

"You're right, it was just weird to see you, you know, like that." He said, scratching his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, I know" I said laughing a little. He gave me a small smile.

"So, what are you doing when I take you home?" He asked.

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