Chapter 36

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"Being a young mom means that we met a little early, but it also means I get to love you a little longer. Some people said that my life ended when I had a baby, but my life had just began. You didn't take away from my  future, you gave me a new one."


Michelle's P.O.V

I was sitting with Valeria on her bed, we were watching a movie. 'The Vow' to be exact, and guess what? Yeah, we were crying our eyes out. Is just too sad.

"Why can't she remember him? Come on, he loves you woman!"- Valeria shouted at the TV.

I started laughing at her face, she looks so upset.

"I know! If I woke up from a coma, and Channing Tatum told he was my husband I wouldn't question it at all,"- I said giggling.

We were giggling, until I felt a warm liquid run down my legs.

"I think I just pee, stop laughing!"- I said, breathing hard.

"Eww Michelle."- she said, but stopped laughing.

I looked at my wet legs, but the liquid wasn't light yellow like I expected, it was clear. Uh-Oh.

"Valeria?"- I said nervously, my voice raspy.

"Yeah?"- she answered, munching on some popcorn.

"I think my water just broke."- I said, my pulse dilated.

"Oh... wait, what?!"- she said, finally comprehending what I just said.

Her eyes widened, "OMG! OMG! Wait, let me call Matt!"she rushed out, and right there I felt the pain.

"Oh God!"- I tried breathing in and out, but the pain came stronger every minute that passed.

After like the longest three minutes of my life, Matt came running in. His parents were right behind him, his mom face lighted  up with excitement.

"Hey baby, we're going to take you to the hospital now. Okay?"- he said, wiping some sweat from my face.

I nodded, as a wave of pain came. I squeezed his hand with all the force I had.

"Breath baby, breath."- he said, carrying me bridestyle. We rushed carefully downstairs, he looked at me with a sad smile.

"Valeria, go with your brother.  We're going to Michelle's house to get the baby bag!"- Matt's mom said.

We got in Matt's car, he lay me on the backseat. Valeria got in with me, she held my hand and rubbed my back.

"I'm scared,"- I whispered, a single tear rolled down my eyes.

"Everything is going to be alright, you'll do good."- Valeria said, brushing my hair from my face.

I felt another contraction coming, and I squeezed Valeria's hand. I felt bad for the poor girl, I felt like I was going to break her skinny hands.

"We're almost there baby, just keep holding on!"- Matt said, looking at me through the review mirror.

I gave him a tiny smile and nodded, the pain decrease for a little. I breath in and out, like they had showed me on those pregnant woman classes.

We got to the hospital, and Matt parked really fast. He got out of the car and carried me on his arms. We rushed to the ER.

"She's in labor!"- Matt shouted, I saw how scared he looked.

A nurse rushed to us with a wheelchair, Matt sat me on it carefully.

"Stay here, you can't come in yet."- The nurse said, wheeling me away.

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