Chapter 16

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Matt's P.O.V

I was driving to Camilla's house. I NEED to tell her about about the baby, I just hope she understand.

I parked on her porch, I stud in my car for a little bit trying to calm my nerves down. I inhale and exhaled like a hundred time before I was calmer.

I got out of the car and knocked on Cam's door, she opened the door, she looked beautiful.

"Hey baby"- she said kissing my lips.

"Hey"- I said. God, this is hard.

"Are you ok?"- she asked arching her eyebrows.

"Umm, I need to tell you something "- I said lowering my head, she told me to come inside.

We went up to her room, her parents weren't home.

"So what's that you need to tell me?"- she asked sitting at the edge of her bed.

"I made a mistake when we were broken up"- I said shamelessly.

"What did you do?" She asked, her voice low.

"I slept with someone, andgotherpregnant"- I rushed the last words.

She was processing what I said when it hit her.

"You what!?-" she shouted getting up.

"I got her pregnant, and I am so sorry baby"- I got up as well. I tried to grab her hand but she jerked away.

I deserve that.

"Go"- she said.

"What?"- I asked looking at her.

"GO MATT, F*CKING LEAVE MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW!"- she yelled, tears were running down her beautiful blue eyes.

She pushed me through her bedroom door.

"Please let me explain baby-"

"LEAVE!"- she said pointing to the door.

"Please"- I said, now tears coming down my eyes. I was gonna take her hands in mine but she pulled them away.

She looked at me with such disgusted, and it broke my heart. I can't stand seeing her cry, and know I'm the reason why she's crying.

She pushed me through the front door and closed the door in my face.

I stood there, I heard her scream. It made my heart feel heavy. God, I'm such an idiot. I might lose the girl that I love, and there's Nothing I can do.

I walked to my car.

"F*CK, why do I always mess thing up!" I shouted hitting the steering wheel. I turned the car on and back off her porch. I hit the gas, and speeded down the road.


This is such a crapy chapter, I know *sigh* but I'll try to make the next one better. :)

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