Chapter 50

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Tim's P.O.V

Should I text her? Would I look too desperate? You know what? Fuck it, I'm texting her.

"Hey Valeria"

I hit send and lay my phone down, couple of seconds later I felt it vibrate. I picked up immediately, God, what's wrong with me?

"Hey Tim (:"

I felt myself smiling at the screen, if someone saw me right now they would probably think I was going crazy.

"What's up?"

I asked casually, not trying too sound too desperate.

"Nothing, here with my boyfriend. And you?"

As soon as I saw the text I felt my heart drop, she was with him? Her boyfriend? I shouldn't care, right? But why did it felt like my heart was slowly being squeeze?

"You know the usual, just hanging around."

I answered, and for once I was glad she wasn't here. That she couldn't see my face, the frown that probably covered my whole face.

I put my phone down and got up.

"Why did I even texted her?"- I whispered to myself; I went up to Ella's room.

She was sitting down playing with her dolls, a different type of pain fluid through my body. For how long? For long would this last?

Valeria's P.O.V

My phone vibrated with a new text, I checked and it was from Tim. I smiled down at my phone.

"Hey Valeria" it said.

"Who are you texting?"- Jeshua asked, a frown on his face.

"Just a friend,"- I said, typing my text.

"Hey Tim (:"

I replied.

"Who's Tim?"- he asked, arching his eyebrows.

"A guy I meet on the park."- I answered, looking up at him.

"The park?"- he said, through greeted teeth.

Um, what's with him?

"Yeah,"- I said, as soon as my phone vibrated again.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, just hanging out with my boyfriend. And you?"

I answered, I looked at Jashua. His eyebrows arched, and his lips in a tight line.

My phone vibrated with a new text.

You know, the usual. Just hanging around."

"Why are you mad?"- I asked, I got up and went to touch him, but he slapped my hand away.

"What the hell!"- I shouted, his eyes softened before becoming angry again.

"Why are you talking to him?"- he asked, his voice dangerously low.

"Because his my friend,"- I said irritated.

Was he jealous?

"I don't want you talking to him,"- he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I arched my eyebrow, "Excuse me?"- I asked angry.

"You heard me, I don't want you to see him or talk to him."- he said firmly.

I just stared at him in disbelief, "Well, guess what Jashua? You don't get to decide who I talk or don't talk to."- I said, I felt like my blood was boiling from rage.

Who does he think he is telling me what to do?

"You're MY girlfriend, so I can tell you who to talk with."- he said, his eyes clenching from anger.

I just laughed at him, "You're so wrong Jeshua, just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you own me. So no, you can't tell me who I can't talk to."

I saw his eyes widened, and his jaw clench.

"You can't talk to him!"- he yelled, coming closer to me.

"Why?"- I asked, looking straight at his angry eyes.

"Because.I.don'"- he said, emphasizing every word.

I shook my head, "I'm not doing this, not right now. You acting very immature, you don't have to be jealous. He's just a friend for God sakes!"- I said frustrated, he looked at me before turning around and walking out.

"Who's the one running now?!"- I yelled, opening my room door.

He was walking down the stairs already; I slammed my door.

"Agh!"- I yelled into my pillow.

Why are boys so Damn complicated? Do they think that by talking about how they feel they would become less mens?

I decided to text the boy who would help me in ease my anger.

"Can we meet?"


Hey guys, sorry for the long wait.

Trouble in paradises again, :/

Got a little bit of TimP.O.V at the beginning, what you guys this he's saying when he said? " For how long? For long would this last?"

What you guys think he meant by that?

Comment /votes/

Much love:
Mayte ❤

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